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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Pend Orielle River Report
Pend Oreille County, WA



86° - 90°
Smallmouth Bass
Hook & Bait

My cousins and I have a bet every so often to see who can catch the most fish, biggest fish, and first fish. Since I am a girl, they usually tell me its not possible and I usually end up winning. This day was no different, cockiness will get you nowhere though. I slept in and missed the morning fish, but decided to take the new kayak into the milfoil around 7:00pm to see if I could catch anything. This was the first time I have seriously fished in a kayak, so I wasn't very hopeful. The first couple of casts, I caught a few small perch, which I let go. I am a big fan of bass, so I was fishing for some to stock my freezer for when I go back to school. The sun was going down so I decided to kayak upriver and drift down with my line out one last time to just relax and let the fish come to me. About four minutes later, I thought I was caught on a branch since my pole was bending straight down, I loosened the drag and realized the line was moving, and quite quickly and strongly. The kayak has some pretty good stability, which I was thankful for as the fish was a fighter and began rocking it. Finally got the fish to the surface and realized I didn't have my net with me, so I swung it onto my legs and let it flop around until I could get a hold of it enough to see where my hook was at. Cut up my legs some with his fins, but nothing a little dirt couldn't fix. Hooked my stringer to the handle of the kayak and then hooked the fish in so I would be sure to not lose him, that would have been heartbreaking. The pliers I had couldn't reach the hook because he swallowed it, so I decided to cut the line and head back to shore. Even on the stringer he was fighting and trying to bring the kayak down. Finally got to shore and got a better look at him with some family in as much awe as I was. I am not one to usually show off or brag about my catches, but I was stoked, it was the biggest smallmouth I have ever caught, measuring at about 20".

The picture attached is the fish next to a regular size filleting knife. Got super lucky with this one.


7/24/2018 5:02:39 PM
This is the perfect woman
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709