The Quadfather
7/23/2017 10:13:27 PMThe 'Sockeye' are filling the lake currently via the locks. They are apparently pretty thick in the lake. I fished Moss bay last Monday. There were MANY large fish in the lower end of the water column on the sonar. I brought in a full size Sockeye to the side of the boat.
It's an amazing time to be fishing Lake WA.

7/23/2017 11:01:48 PM
7/23/2017 11:08:54 PM
7/23/2017 10:44:55 PM
7/23/2017 11:55:13 PM
7/24/2017 12:01:11 AM
7/24/2017 1:07:13 AMOn a related note, do any sea-run salmon species feed in the lakes before spawning? I saw several 20-24 inch salmonid looking fish in the shallows above the weeds near the bellevue boat launch last night. They sure looked like they were on the prowl for food. They looked much fatter and football shaped than cutthroat, and were cruising in small groups amongst many many similar sized carp.
I was out there with a friend (way too late) trying unsuccessfully to get his old 40 horse johnson running properly. Difficult to run a jet drive under load in a bucket. Turned out to be improper head bolts and failed head gasket. He just rebuilt the whole thing himself.

7/24/2017 1:37:44 PM