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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


76° - 80°
Pink Salmon
51° - 55°

Another day back at it. I see think pinks starting to roll. The fish seem very healthy and are staying in the swift parts of the rivers. I do see them traveling up stream but they do not seem to be biting. I know everyone says the fish count will be low but I am not giving up that easy. Every time I go it appears that the fish are just out of casting range. I saw a few in boats anchored just in the right spot but they did not hook any either. There were many people out but I did not see any body landing a fish. I will not give up. It appears things are just getting started.

We were fishing at Thomas Eddie. Tried some pink squid and some spoons. Spent some time cleaning up the banks from trees and blackberry vines. You are welcome! Don't give up. Keep on fishing.


8/20/2017 12:48:23 PM
I kinda wonder about the Pink run this year. This last week we fished CQ in my Seahawk from Sunday to Wed. Got our poss limit, 2 Chinooks and 10 hatchery Coho, didn't catch a single Pink. Didn't see any Pinks at the fish cleaning table either. Released a lot of unmarked Coho. Usually, mid August in a Pink year at CQ there are so many Pinks they get to be a nuisance. I hope the Pinks show up too... since 8&9 are closed to Pinks and Coho, the only local game is the Sno.
8/20/2017 1:05:24 PM
The Snohomish is closed for Chinook this year. The only chance is on Pinks or Coho
8/20/2017 4:04:11 PM
Thanks for the housekeeping on the river banks! I'll be out soon to help tidy up too.
8/20/2017 5:38:05 PM
Went out sat and got 3, up to 6lbs. Another boat had 6, all 3 to 4lb . They're there, just not in huge numbers yet.
8/20/2017 7:03:16 PM
Browns point has been popping. No overwhelming numbers, but 75% of fisherman at least hooked one this morning.
8/20/2017 7:46:08 PM
Went 1 for 2 In about an hr from the bank today a little lower down river !!!
8/20/2017 8:51:12 PM
Lower huh? Where about and what time?
8/20/2017 8:49:11 PM
I've been bank fishing the lower and upper nearly everyday and just a couple days ago finally saw a guy catch a pink on the upper stretch. Pink jig and lead. Lots of boats powering around, from my asks I heard of a handful caught but no impressive numbers.

Slow season so far but keep your chins up.

Going tomorrow AM with GoPro in tow.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709