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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



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Pink Salmon

Random bank spot on Short School Rd. this morning 8am to 9:30am. Hooked into some sort of Salmon on the 2nd cast of about my 3rd jig, so like 50+ casts. Didn't feel like a Pink but who knows with their size this year.

I was fishing my 6# setup for no good reason anymore, the fish are too big for this gear when you are trying to keep them out of snags but I'm dumb and like the rush of light test. Didn't have the run of a Pink, I still should have let my drag out a little more BUT this fish was running and diving hard and heading towards a patch of snags. I tried to bring him up a little more and that's when it ended for this battle.

Here is the YOUTUBE of me trying to keep this fish away from the snags and snapping my line (action starts about 1:20): https://youtu.be/2vex1TVbHg0


8/30/2017 8:55:41 PM
Could get the video to work, but awesome you got some action.
8/30/2017 8:58:56 PM
Try it again BentRod: https://youtu.be/2vex1TVbHg0
8/30/2017 8:59:19 PM
Need them tips.
8/31/2017 11:11:50 AM
I watched the video. It looks like the drag was too tight for sure. Maybe a 12lb line may be better then you don't have to worry.
8/31/2017 12:39:31 PM
Thanks Mav! I bumped my line up to 12lbs, I just fish too many snag ridden spots. I'll keep a rod with 6lbs on it for a few spots that are pretty clear.
8/30/2017 8:58:20 PM
I'll take any pointers, I'm still perfecting the chaotic craft. I tried to let my drag out and move to a lower position so I wasn't so high up. I also knew while I was up higher on that rock I could make get him to surface a little... I mean you are thinking his second to second, I just know the bank along there is full of random things he could drag or hang my 6# test on, so I was trying to manage him away from there. With 12# which I have on my other reel-rod it wouldn't have been a problem. Anyways... How would you have played him?
8/30/2017 9:49:30 PM
With 6lb line your only option is to loosen the drag and let it run and hope it doesn't get hung up in a snag. You have to let him run when it's pulling, and any time it lets up reel fast and try to steer is back to where you want it to be, but you have to stop the very seconds it starts tugging/running. No way to control it when its running, just have to capitalize on those moments it's not tugging hard.
8/30/2017 9:57:38 PM
Thanks Josh, excellent feedback, I was certainly late to the draw in terms of drag management and my pole lift to get him back towards me. I excepted something.... which is why I turned my GoPro on after several dozen casts. I knew the little devil was there but didn't know it would be so quick of a hit. I'll keep a light drag if I'm fishing 6# from now on, I think I need to really cut my teeth on 12lbs first and work back down. As you can see.
8/30/2017 10:09:53 PM
I agree with Josh. The drag is your friend. Even with heavier line you'll still need to use it to let the fish tire themselves out. Too tight a drag can either result in a broken leader/knot or the fish ripping the hook out. Having your drag set correctly and playing the fish will help you land it. Sometimes situations will be against you though and you can't control that, obstructions, poor hook placement, and random knot failure to name a few. The more you get out and hook fish the better you'll get. Keep it up!
8/31/2017 12:42:03 PM
Thanks Bent, I appreciate the response!
8/31/2017 2:41:31 AM
Looks like you got a bad hook set. It took you a couple jigs before you knew it was a fish. Then you still didn't really set the hook or keep solid pressure at first.
I fish a lot of Ul rods in the river with as tight of a drag as I can get away with. As the fish gets near the bank I will back it off a little but I definitely give them the heat to start with.
I've seen enough steelhead landed on 4lb to know that 6lb is plenty for a humpy.
8/31/2017 3:22:17 AM
Looks like you got a bad hook set. It took you a couple jigs before you knew it was a fish. Then you still didn't really set the hook or keep solid pressure at first.
I fish a lot of Ul rods in the river with as tight of a drag as I can get away with. As the fish gets near the bank I will back it off a little but I definitely give them the heat to start with.
I've seen enough steelhead landed on 4lb to know that 6lb is plenty for a humpy.
8/31/2017 8:20:59 AM
His mainline line snapped, the hook didn't come out of the fish. It was definitely a drag set too tight.
8/31/2017 11:21:45 AM
I used to run light line but now I only have one lightweight pole with 6lb for trout or bass. but even bass fishing I use 10lb 99% of the time now. Its fine to use super light line if you fish in areas with no snags and you have a lot of room to fight the fish. I was sick of losing fish to snags so now I just use 10-12lb line for 95% of my fishing. If your fishing near logs or snags up your line, that's my suggestion.
8/31/2017 3:55:48 PM
I guess I missed the part where he said his line snapped. If that's the case then you just need to loosen up on the drag a little.
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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709