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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



Cutthroat Trout

Our labor day vacation at Suncadia got cut short due to the forest fires so I had a chance to fish this morning. I hit the water in my kayak at 7 and had my first cutt on by 7:05. It was nonstop action until about 9:30. I ended up landing 10 cutts and 1 small king. I took 5 of the cutts that were bleeding home and let the rest go. With the recent reports I was expecting more action from the sockeye/kings but the cutthroat were absolutely on fire. I was actually geting frustrated that I didn't have enough time to drink my coffee because as soon as I put the downriger down I was getting another bite. This morning was perfect conditions: calm water, only a boat or two out surfing, and not too hot until the sun got up higher. It was by far the best day I have had fishing for cutts on lake Washington.

I fished a wiggle hoochie the entire time - no reason to change baits when they are biting like that. I stayed in ~50 feet of water the whole time with my downrigger on the bottom.


Jake Dogfish
9/3/2017 11:05:49 PM
Middle fish is not a cutt. Might want to freeze or give some fish away. The recommended amount of cutthroat to eat from lake Washington by department of health is 8 ounces a month. This includes all other seafood eaten that month. Thanks for the report!
9/4/2017 1:29:36 AM
Hey Jake looking at the middle one the tail is definitely different. I wish i had more pictures but not sure what it is. Do you have ideas what it would be? It doesn't look like a koke and the rest of the colors look just like a cutt. Maybe some weird hybrid???? The small king I caught was obvious because of the spots on the back and I have caught plenty of sockeye and kokanee before.

I am firing up the smoker tomorrow and will freeze some of the fish and share the rest with friends and family. I appreciate your concern about eating too much. I just re-read the WDFW website about how much 1 meal is.
Jake Dogfish
9/4/2017 2:49:37 PM
Kokanee. Possibly a wild Coho I can't tell from that pic but much less likely to catch one.
Markin' Fish
9/4/2017 3:35:49 PM
Hey Yellow Yak,
Great post. I will be out tomorrow morning out of Coulon. Where were you fishing? PM me if you would like.
9/5/2017 12:36:59 PM
what area were you fishing I need to take my father in law out and that is what he wants to do
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709