9/21/2017 7:27:21 PMSnohomish, Skykomish and Snoqualmie rivers
to close to pink salmon fishing
Action: Closes the Snohomish River, including the Skykomish and Snoqualmie rivers, to the retention of pink salmon.
Effective Date: Sept. 22, 2017, until further notice.
Species affected: Pink salmon.
Reason for action: The rule is necessary to protect returning pink runs to the Snohomish River Watershed. In-season run-size assessments conducted by state and tribal co-managers indicate that pink run sizes are below the escapement goal in the Snohomish basin.
Other information: The Skykomish and Snoqualmie rivers are tributaries to the Snohomish River and will also close to the retention of pink salmon. The rivers will still be open to fishing for other species of salmon, with a daily limit of three coho. The Wallace River, another tributary to the Snohomish River, remains closed to all fishing. Check the 2017-18 Fishing Rules Pamphlet for specific regulations.

9/21/2017 9:24:18 PM