10/31/2017 9:00:02 PM
10/31/2017 9:46:40 PMAction: Release all salmon except for hatchery coho (marked with a clipped adipose fin) on the Snohomish, Skykomish, Snoqualmie and Wallace Rivers.
Effective dates: Sunday, Oct. 29, through Dec. 31, 2017.
Species affected: All salmon.
Snohomish River, mouth confluence with Skykomish and Snoqualmie.
Skykomish River, mouth to confluence of North and South Forks.
Snoqualmie River, mouth to Snoqualmie Falls.
Wallace River, mouth to above hatchery water intake.
Reason for action: Spawning ground surveys, counts at the Sunset Falls trap, and Wallace Hatchery rack returns indicate that the run sizes of coho and pink salmon in the Snohomish watershed are well below pre-season forecasts. To protect future runs, spawning escapement goals must be met. Fisheries may be reopened if escapement goals are projected to be met.
Additional information: Gamefish and trout remain open as described in the 2017-18 Fishing Rules Pamphlet.
Information contact: WDFW, Mill Creek, Region 4 Office, (425) 775-1311.