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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Beaver Lake Report
King County, WA



46° - 50°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
Bait Only
41° - 45°

I will give it a 3 because the one trout we got is our personal best, but that was pretty much rhe only action we had. Saw and spoke with other anglers there and nobody was having much luck... even though the lake was stocked not too long ago.
We spent a couple hours on the water in the morning to try the new boat and got a big trout, a nice debut.
The fish jumped right in front of us and we could see it was big, then a bit after that the rod started moving. Pretty good fight, fish landed and is now being seasoned fir dinner.
We came back in the afternoon for another couple hours, but it was misearable... cold and raining almost non stop. No action, not much fun.

Well, at least there was fishing.


11/11/2017 7:33:36 PM
Nice fish! The first stocking got hammered! Try it again in 9-11 days.
11/12/2017 7:05:24 PM
Are they stocking again?
11/12/2017 2:19:11 PM
That fish doesn't look like the recent stocking of jumbos. Those jumbos are usually really dark and in full spawning color in contrast that fish still looks like it has some chrome to it. Probably a holdover from previous plants. How was the meat on it?
11/12/2017 7:07:44 PM
The meat was light pink. We have fished Beaver quite a few times, but have never seen one that size there.
11/13/2017 11:53:38 AM
That makes me think its a holdover then. Most of the recent stocked fish will have pale yellow mushy meat from being pellet fed
11/12/2017 5:38:43 PM
The recent jumbo plants include the dark (usually males) and the silver colored females. There are some 12-14" rainbow trout which probably are from the small rainbow trout planted in around March 2017.
11/12/2017 7:12:03 PM
It makes sense... looking at the stocking report for the latest one in october, they seemed to be heavier than previous stock
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709