Mike Carey
11/14/2017 7:10:58 PM
11/14/2017 8:22:44 PM
11/14/2017 8:50:44 PM
11/15/2017 6:32:27 AM
11/15/2017 6:19:03 AM
11/15/2017 7:05:44 AM
11/16/2017 2:43:37 PM
11/15/2017 8:06:33 AMNote that the old Washington State Dept of Game priority was sports fishing and hunting and the Dept of Game Commission members were focused on sports fishing and hunting. The present WDFW priorities appear to be significantly impacted by non-sports fishing and hunting interests ranging from commercial fishing, legislative districts, etc. Below is some history:
1987 - Legislature and Governor Booth Gardner changed Dept of Game, with a Commission-appointed director, to Dept of Wildlife with a Director appointed by the Governor.
1994 – Washington State Legislature and Governor Mike Lowry merged the Dept of Wildlife and Dept of Fisheries, creating Dept of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). WDFW has a 9-member Commission and the WDFW Director is appointed by the Commission.
Some years ago a WDFW Director presented a report to the Commission (broadcast on TVW) and the Director said WDFW overestimated the salmon run returns and implied this was done to increase the commercial fishing allowed catch but when the actual salmon run was lower, then the rivers would be closed to sports fishing (sound familiar?). If you watch the Outdoor GPS TV program you hear about how the Columbia river Oregon-Washington commercial fishing has impacted the salmon fishing using gill nets which were supposed to be phased out.
There was a bill submitted to the Wash State Legislature regarding putting a higher priority on sports fishing and this bill had and I think still has lots of support but the Legislative Committee chair (from the Aberdeen Hoqium area) will not allow this bill to be heard in the Legislative Committee which blocks this bill from being voted on by the entire House and Senate. On the NW Wild Country TV program, this State Legislature member said that he favored commercial fishing and did not want sports fishing to be favored even though sports fishing contributed much more $ to Wash State than Commercial fishing. Note that the information about how much commercial fishing license money is provided to WDFW is difficult to find. I was assigned to the Wash State Legislature 1988-1992 and a UW college student attempted to do a report about Wash State reduced taxes to industries which claimed environmental benefits on the industry state tax returns and the Wash State Dept of Revenue refused to give the information to the college student. I was told by State Senator Chair of Senate Ways and Means that she could not get much information about tax and budge t matters because the State considered the information "confidential".
With regards to fishing, note that WDFW recently (past year) removed the trout limit of 2 trout over 15" in some lakes (ie now the trout limit is 5 trout with no size limit) and note that these lakes are near Olympia where many of the Wash State Government employees live.

11/15/2017 11:52:42 AM
11/16/2017 2:37:56 PM