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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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17 - Rufus Woods Report



31° - 35°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Bait
Hook & Bait

This is for Monday thru today till 11am. Headed over from Marysville to Grand Coulee this past Sunday Eve to do some trout fishing from shore. Started out Monday morning and headed to Spring Canyon to see if they had moved into the bay there. It was a great morning and driving in there was a herd of mule deer that was out for a stroll . Parked my truck grabbed my gear and tossed out some rainbow sherbet power bait. After about 2 hours , several bait checks and recasts I decided to bag it..saw 2 boats go out while I was there. I then headed to Banks and stopped and picked up some goodies at the tackle shop and decided to buy a tribal permit and head to the net pens. When I got there 3 rigs and 3 guys and 6 poles lined the shore. Saw two guys that had 1 fish each ,decent size. They had been there about 4 hours as I didn't get there until around 11 am . Saw 2 fish get caught and I had no bites until 245 pm . Then I caught two fish in 20 min. yay! Went in for the day. Next morn tried Banks at the North end from the rip rap while hunkered down under the wind and had power bait on one rig and was drop shoting a green 4 inch worm for some bass . when reeling in to recast a huge rainbow trout about 20+ inches swiped at my drop shot rig when I was about to lift it out of the water. I was so startled it took me a sec to realize what just happened and I tossed it right back out about 5 ft from shore. As soon as it hits the water my pole doubled up and that trout was on! I fought it for about 10 seconds when snap! There were a bunch of jagged rocks right in front and believe that's what broke me off. The trout had my worm and my weight and began leaping out the water to shake it . It was an exciting moment and worth freezing my tail off for even though I lost it.I then went back to the net pens and at 245 pm I caught my limit again in about 10 min on Tuesday. All the fish I caught at the net pens we're on the smallish side but the other guys there were getting nice ones. I have to head back home the next morning and decided to stop at Brandt's Landing and see whats shaking there before heading over the pass. I arrived there this morning around 930 and there were two men there with no bites for about 30 min they told me. I walked up river on the shore about 30ft from them and tossed out more powerbait. They are retired and came there often . I told them about how the fish at the net pens seemed to have a wrist watch and when it was time they didn't take long to bite. We chatted a bit more and I told them I was giving the fish until 11 am then I needed to pack up and head out. I walked back up to my poles at 1055 and decided to pack it in. I had only reeled the one pole about two reels when I saw my second pole get a bite! I quickly grabbed it and fish on! I yelled back to the other two guys "hey I have one!" And reeled in about a 5 lber! I was laughing that the fish must have heard I was leaving and that why it bit! After securing my catch I picked up the other rod I had started to reel in and thought " why not toss it out for a little longer!" I threw it out where I had just caught the last fish and didnt get my line tightened before " fish on! " I yelled back to the guys " I have another one! " I was laughing. I could hear them talking in disbelief and I too was surprised! Two fish in 5 minutes . I was amazed! I told the other guys to come on down and toss it by that tree and see what happens!

Had a great time , talked to several people. Everyone is so friendly in Grand Coulee area I really enjoy it there. The biggest trout had a whole crawfish in it's stomach along with snails . Tight lines!


11/29/2017 8:02:30 PM
Great report. Thanks for sharing!
11/29/2017 10:33:11 PM
Congrats! Great description.
11/30/2017 12:45:49 PM
Agree with those above, great report. I have fished Band and Roosevelt, but not Rufus. Been meaning to try it sometime. Thanks.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709