12/15/2017 9:30:03 AM
Ben Eggertsen
12/15/2017 2:03:59 PM
12/15/2017 4:47:01 PM
Ben Eggertsen
12/16/2017 3:52:32 AM
12/15/2017 6:24:08 PMAfter one season of using leadcore, I can say that being able to change speeds and sweep the line up and down is really nice. You'll get a sense for how it behaves and be able to make vertical S-patterns (it's a sine wave I think...?).
I kayak fish and have found that keeping kinks out of leadcore line is priority one, two and three. Once they build up, the line doesn't come off the reel as well or move through the guides. Since my hands are busy paddling, I'd prefer it roll off easily, especially. with light tackle that doesn't create much drag. Probably time for a new spool, now that I think about it.

Ben Eggertsen
12/16/2017 4:01:54 AMI will try it with two colors out. I wondered about the number of feet of mono from the leadcore to the lure. I was using about 50' since I wanted to keep it away from the engine noise. That's probably not a problem in a kayak. How long would you suggest for the leader?
I will keep an eye on the kinks. I did have one that took a few minutes to sort out. It sounds like if you're not careful the kinks can become a problem.
I appreciate your thoughts. Tight lines!

12/16/2017 12:36:11 PM
Ben Eggertsen
12/16/2017 4:26:44 PMI have several Mack products but I have never contacted them. It sounds like it's worthwhile.
Tight lines. Ben