1/1/2018 5:11:54 PM
1/2/2018 12:14:56 AM
1/1/2018 7:00:54 PMWhile you were hauling in the flounder, did you happen to catch any sand dabs? I'm trying to locate a spot where I can catch some 'dabs'. My old spot up by Golden Gardens has been fished to death. Last summer I hooked what I thought was a decent sized ling and when I got up, it turned out to be a 34" starry flounder! I turned (her) loose as she was chock full of eggs and no longer feel good about keeping anything beyond what I can eat in a day or two. If there was a way to load the pic of my starry catch with this reply, I'd do so simply because it was the largest "flatty" I've seen other than halibut.

1/2/2018 12:16:57 AM