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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



36° - 40°
Rainbow Trout
Floating Minnow
All Day
Under 40°

We launched at Lincoln. After a bit of a slow drive from Spokane in freezing fog, the ramp at Lincoln was in perfect shape. Started fishing about 8 AM around Sterling Point. Water temp was about 38 degrees. Had 2 hits right away that didn't stick then caught a nice 20-incher on an orange jointed rapala behind the planer board. The action was slow, so we eventually went down-river and fished in the fog at the goat farm area west of Whitestone. Bite came on hot about 1:30 PM and 3 of us ended up with 11 keepers to the boat, lost a few more and released a couple with intact fins. Orange jointed Rapalas were definitely our best presentaion tipped with white Berkley maggots. Oddly, we only had a couple hits on flies that didn't stick. Most of the fish came off the planer board or long-lined with no weight. Downriggers only caught a couple. Our last fish of the day was a beautiful 22 inch dark-colored rainbow that we thought for sure was a native red band as we were reeling it in. I was preparing to release it, when on closer inspection, it was obviously fin-clipped so we kept it. It was a different strain of rainbow than the usual hatchery fish. It was darker colored, the tail was shaped differently (less of a V) and flesh was light pink as opposed to the more orange color of the usual rainbows. Our theory is that it was a surplus hatchery steelhead planted in Roosevelt. I would be interested in hearing others' opinions on what strain of rainbow it is.


1/15/2018 7:38:44 PM
Beautiful fish maybe an old rainbow from the size it has been around a few years just a guess. I was out there today as well out of seven bays orange rapalas were the ticket we used several different lures but the Rapala was the only one showing any action, thanks for the report and pics.
1/16/2018 8:30:17 AM
Thanks for a good report, I was at Lincoln on Monday and only managed a couple. Talked to someone who said it had been better the day before. I have caught some fish that looked like that one and came to the same conclusion you did but am no expert for sure.
1/16/2018 7:42:29 PM
I talked to a very helpful gentleman from the Spokane Tribal Hatchery (thanks Tim) and he tells me that a few of the older triploid rainbow males will actually exhibit some spawning characteristics even though they are sterile. That is most likely what the darker colored fish is.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709