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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Canada - British Columbia Report


All Day

Went out to a new river, i havn't fished for steel on yet. Buddy and I explored and did some canyon repelling into some very dangerous (for people that are ill equipped) and hard to reach places. All the other rivers i was looking at this weekend were blown out and this river is very flashy, it comes up quick and it also comes down quick, we were hoping with a pause in the rain we might be able to wait out the crappy nearly blown conditions. 3 foot high standing waves down the spine of the pools with only small pockets of holding water on the sides. We pounded these little bits all day with not a sniff but thats the way it goes. If steelheading were easy it wouldn't be as much fun. We only found one decent suitable run and were promptly low holed by some ass-hats, we didn't make a big fuss though and moved on.

There is a bright side to this story though. We found some absolutely epic water if the water was just a foot or two lower for later in the season. They clearly would be excellent fishing in the right conditions. So all that footwork led to some awesome new spots. Spots i found by walking and exploring. The scenery was nice and our camp was nice too. Got pretty drunk too, so there's that also. Well worth the effort.


2/5/2018 3:00:03 PM
They can't all be winners haha at least your getting out! I'm planning on my first fishing trip of 2018 this weekend. Some l
Small local lake I'm sure. Hopefully your explorations spots will yield some fish in the future!
2/5/2018 10:15:42 PM
I get skunked at least as often as i succeed at steelheading. Just keeping it real lol
The Quadfather
2/5/2018 9:47:16 PM
“Spots I found by walking and exploring “—
Words of wisdom. Chuckle/chuckle.
2/5/2018 10:16:06 PM
Well, someones gotta say it lol
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709