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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Goodwin Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



46° - 50°
Trolling W/Downriggers
Rainbow Trout
46° - 50°

Debated between Steven, Shoecraft, and Goodwin for this morning. Goodwin won, so that's where I headed.

Started about 8am, spent a little over an hour trying to locate fish. Finally located them north of the launch and fairly quickly landed 4 and lost another. Then the lake stopped whispering to me, and would divulge no more secrets for the day. This lake can be fickle.

Ran on 1 line a size 6 green Doc Spratley with 16 inches of leader off a prototype Elgin Fishing dodger, and the other line a size 4 olive Woolly Bugger with 16 inches of leader off a Mack's Double D dodger. I caught fish at 10 and 15 feet down, I tried up top and down low, those were the only 2 depths I got bit at. Water is still too cold, 46 all morning, but the fish are starting to wake up a bit. Saw a few chiromonids, and the fish I did clean were feeding a little. Speed was between 1.25 and 1.5 mph to get bit. Typical spring morning. Got on the lake to a flat glass surface, had clouds roll end, wind kicked up, and as I was getting off the lake it had calmed back down and the sun was peeping through.

Not a knocks your socks off day, but fun to know my favorite lake should be in good fishing shape in the next few weeks.

Video shows my typical Lake Goodwin set up, the 4 I landed, in which there is what I call a quasi double.


3/19/2018 6:34:36 AM
Nice Job Josh! You got that lake dialed in. I cant get a bite to save my life! Maybe we need to plan a trip and you can show me the ropes out there
3/19/2018 9:33:51 AM
I'd be down for that. Since the ramp is closing May thru September, let's look at late October, my favorite time there anyway!
3/19/2018 6:43:28 AM
Excellent job and fun video to watch! It's so enjoyable to see your success on such a TOUGH lake:) Looks like the dodger is working ok. Love the moon jelly!
3/19/2018 9:35:38 AM
I am digging the dodger. Little different type of action, seems like a wider swing it imparts.
3/19/2018 10:13:26 PM
Just read too, for those that fish Goodwin and chum, the simplified rules that will be coming out in the new rules pamphlet taking effect July 1st, chumming will no longer be allowed. Not the type of fishing I personally like, but I know I've seen quite a few that chum there. So, a heads up.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709