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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Alice Lake Report
King County, WA


36° - 40°
Rainbow Trout

I wanted to go to Rattlesnake today so when the rain slowed a bit I headed over, when I got there, even though the wind was down the lake was rough with lots of whitecaps so I decided to head over to Alice instead. Got there around 12:30 and fished until it got too windy there around 2:45-3:00.

It was raining steadily most of the time and the bite was on! I lost count after netting 10 fish. In one pass (I was trolling in a kayak) I netted 3 fish, and these passes were only about 1/3 of this small lake as the fish seemed to be concentrated at the shallow end.

I was going to mix things up a bit lure wise and never got to as the first thing I put on was a blue/silver God's Tooth (which worked well last time I was on this lake) and it worked so well I never put on another lure. I think there were only one or two passes where I didn't get a bite or a fish, made me forget it was raining!


4/16/2018 5:44:59 PM
Great job and thanks for your report! Appreciate you putting the God's Tooth to work and glad to read of your success :)
4/16/2018 6:42:53 PM
Thanks for your report! Sounds like a great afternoon of fishing. I was wondering if you could give some advice on trolling from a kayak. I bought a kayak recently, and I'm going to be trying it out soon. I've been reading online, and it sounds like some kayak fisherman troll using lead core line. Is this the way to go? Or do you just cast out the lure and start rowing? Also, what's your preference for what to wear? Do you use a dry suit? Sorry for all the questions. I appreciate any help. Thanks!
4/16/2018 7:50:19 PM
I have a Hobie Outback so when I troll I just pedal, probably a lot easier than paddling! The lead core line is for trolling much deeper than what I'm doing. I'm not sure how far down my lure is but in these smaller lakes it is obviously deep enough. For something like Lake Sammamish or Washington (which I haven't tried yet) I think I probably won't be deep enough. Also right now since it is cooler the fish will be closer to the surface than they will be in the middle of summer once the lake warms up a bit, when that happens I'll have to go deeper.

What I've been doing until today is just pedaling and holding a rod out to one side or using the two of the built in rod holders and just tossing the lure(s) out a ways behind me and pedaling slowly, just enough to get some action on the lures. Today I just tried out my my new Scotty rod holder to get the rod a little closer to me, the built in ones in the front are a bit of a stretch and I have to lean forward to grab the rod when a fish hits. The new holder took a little dialing in to get the position right but after that it was good.

For safety gear, yes, I'm wearing a dry suit which is a must with the water temps where they are right now. I'm also wearing merino wool base layer shirt and pant and fleece shirt and pants over those under the suit as the dry suits provide no insulating qualities, it just keeps you dry. Today I also wore waterproof windbreaker with hood under my PFD as well as a knit cap and fingerless wool gloves. The only parts getting wet and a little cold were my face and the ends of my fingers even with the strong rain we had today.
4/16/2018 9:13:42 PM
Meet me Fishing sometime soon and you can work on your speed along side me in my toon. Speed is very important to get the lure into the strike zone. It’s best to DIY a rod holder and one that holds the pole close to parallel to the water.
4/16/2018 9:15:23 PM
Thanks for the report Kev. The Elgin’s worked good for me there also. So did the lure that I let you use at Rattlesnake. When you hitting Rattlesnake again?
4/16/2018 9:46:35 PM
I might hit it tomorrow if it isn't too rough.
4/17/2018 5:06:52 PM
Thanks for the very detailed reply! I really appreciate it.
4/17/2018 5:23:37 PM
Sure, no problem! Say hi if you see me out on one of the lakes when you get out in your kayak. I'll be in the papaya colored Hobie!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709