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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Beaver Lake Report
King County, WA



56° - 60°
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
51° - 55°

Went to a friend's birthday party up on the Sammamish plateau so I figured I would bring the boat and try Beaver for a couple hours afterward. Put my 12 ft tinny in at about 4pm and with my two-pole endorsement, put one pole out with 2-lb line attached to an Elgin Gods tooth I picked up awhile back and never really used. But, because of someone's post here, I long lined it way out behind the boat with no weight, even though I didn't really believe in it. Haha. I set the other one up with 1/4 ounce keel weight and my go-to stocker lure - a chrome triple teaser. I circled around the boat ramp once and then headed toward the north end on the slowest speed of my trolling motor in glassy calm water and BAM, the surface rod doubles over to my shock. I pick it up and this is no ordinary stocker. I normally bend all the barbs back on my lures but this time I didn't on the Gods tooth and it saved me because he ran at me after an initial tail slap and I thought I lost it but the barb held. I was so glad I had my big net with me because I needed every bit of it to get him in. Normally, I don't bring it and just catch and release the stockers shaking them off without even bringing them in the boat. The stars were in alignment for a nice meal with this one so I kept it, although I really thought hard about releasing it. This thing filleted up like a salmon. It was 19" and round like a football.

I trolled around for another hour getting 4 small ones with my triple teaser, probably around 10-15 ft deep.

at 6pm I worked my way back to the dock to go home and the God's tooth pole doubles over and another huge fish tail splash. I couldn't believe it! It looked and felt as big as the other one but it popped off before I could get it in. Oh well, very exciting anyway and I definitely would have let a 2nd big one go.

2 questions for you all that I'm very curious about here at Beaver:

1. At about mid-lake, 50 feet deep, my deeper fish finder showed fish right near the bottom. 4 of them spread out. It hadn't shown anything prior to that. I'm guessing these are the big bass I've heard about in this lake? For you bass fishers, how would you go about trying to catch bass at that depth?

2. After hitting those 2 big ones, I was thinking they MUST have stocked some triploids recently but when I went to the wdfw stocking page, there's no mention of that. Hmmmm. Hard to believe it was a holdover although the fins look pretty clean. There was nothing in it's stomach. What do you all think?


4/22/2018 5:14:48 PM
Congrats on a beautiful fish and for putting the God's Tooth to work! We appreciate your support and thanks for your report :)
4/22/2018 6:10:35 PM
Trip’s Stocked in Oct, Nov, and Dec....800 each time. Heavily fished Oct plant, less the Nov plant and not much the Dec plant. Look up my reports from these months. Caught a lot of them. Nice job getting that one! Someone else posted catching one in like Feb on a 50/50 Dick Nite, so they cruise the surface at times. All mine were caught at about 5-8’ down and Christmas Day it was crazy and two poles were to much to handle for one person. Thanks for the report.
4/23/2018 9:49:30 AM
The GT was white/gray. Looks like a printed minnow. Maybe Elgin can shed some light on the name of it.
4/22/2018 6:11:19 PM
You posted White for color....what color was the GT?
4/22/2018 6:20:20 PM
Nice fish! I keep meaning to get over to Beaver and give it a try with my kayak, maybe this week...
4/22/2018 9:26:02 PM
First they don't stock beaver with triploids just jumbos. Triploids are sterile fish that will never spawn and the ones they stock in Oct are fish that were used for spawning at hatcheries that produce the average stockers. Once the hatcheries don't need those fish they will put them in lakes to provide a bigger fish local anglers. That's a common misconception that all the bigger fish stocked in lakes are triploids but triploids come in many sizes as they are usually stock at small sizes so they can grow big usually a lot faster then regular stockers amd produce a really red meat. Great example of this are the trillions they stock at lake Roosevelt. That fish seems to be a really nice holdover
4/22/2018 9:29:27 PM
Sorry a few mispelled words thanks to spell check.
*fish for local anglers not fish local anglers
*Triploids not trillions
4/23/2018 9:50:12 AM
Thanks for updating us on that!
4/22/2018 9:36:47 PM
GO CRAIG GO!!!! what a fisherman!

congrats on the fantastic fish on a gods tooth! gave you a phone call, shoot me one back when you have the chance.

that is by far the prettiest fish I have ever seen come out of beaver. chrome, bright, had me convinced for a second it was one of the extra steelhead the state has that they dump in certain lakes.
4/23/2018 9:51:46 AM
Yeah, I'd seen a bunch of pics of those jumbos usually colored up. Was really surprised to see this one chrome and yet had nothing in its stomach.
4/22/2018 10:27:24 PM
I think i saw you catching that, i was paddling towards the launch when i heard and saw the big splashes. Looked like a big one indeed.
I need to learn how to do trolling properly... that seems to be more fun.
4/23/2018 9:53:09 AM
It was a beautiful evening out there, huh? I'm no expert on trolling, believe me. I just turned the motor on, let the lure out with no weight and started drinking my beer and enjoying being outside on the water. Fish was a nice interruption.
4/23/2018 12:48:16 PM
Silver shiner would be the pattern
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709