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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



56° - 60°
Cutthroat Trout
51° - 55°

So I am rating this a 4 due to the short time we had on the water and quality of fish caught! Thought I would address that first!

A large customer of mine signed a 4 year 3.25 million dollar contract with us today so needed to get it my boss and what better way to conduct business then on a boat fishing! He has been anxious to get out anyway since moving here from Salt Lake city a year ago so we thought we'd give a try tonight!

Met at my house in Seatac at 5:45 pm but saw the wind was picking up so weren't sure how long we'd have out there and almost called it off- Glad we didn't! Got to the Atlantic City launch around 6:30 and saw the wind was blowing SW so started our troll right around the corner of the launch in about 65 feet of water to keep the wind at our backs.

Started out with my lead core line fitted with homemade spinner by Kaley Schertenleib tipped with a piece of live night crawler- set it out 4 colors and 105 on the line counter and before I could even start to set up the down rigger it buries into the water and starts peeling line! Fish on! Handed the rod to my boss to fight his first ever fish in the state of WA and what a fish it was!! This fish jumped about 3 times and even from that far away I could tell it was a hawg! Brett played it like a pro and I could tell he had fished before ( just not in this state) so after 3 or 4 attempts to run away from the boat we finally coaxed it into the net! The fish had actually inhaled the lure to the point the trailer hook broke off in his stomach and the lead hook lodged into his lower jaw as the lure was trying to exit it's mouth! First time I've had that happen!

Turned out to be 23" and a whopping 3.11 lbs ( weighed later at home on my digital scale) so may have been pushing 4 lbs when first landed! Got some photos and then had to motor all the way back down to where we started because the wind had blown us almost into Seward park bay. Set the lead core line out again with same set up and was able to get the down rigger rod in the water and clipped running a brad's mini cut plugs with pink gulp maggots; but not 5 minutes later the lead core goes off again and it's fish on! This time it's my turn and not as big but still a pretty nice one to finish off the evening. The wind was really blowing now and I was a little gun shy after getting caught last weekend on Lady Lake Chelan with no main motor so pulled up our lines and headed back- motor ran great and soon we were back at the launch at 7:30 with a happy boss on my boat!

Heading down to American lake sometime tomorrow to pre-fish a little before Saturday's derby so hopefully can get my buddy's 4 year old into some fish on Saturday! See you on the water!


5/4/2018 8:03:41 AM
Wow. I would love to take someone fishing for that amount of money. I could guarantee fish every time. :)) Nice report!
5/4/2018 2:19:08 PM
Lake Washington is pretty hard to beat for really big Cutthroat. Your 23 inch fish was very similar to the fish my fishing buddy and I caught a couple of weeks ago up at the north end of the lake near McAleer Creek. Congratulations on the fine fishing outing. I enjoyed seeing your photos.
5/4/2018 4:09:56 PM
nice report have yet to fish Lake Washington. is this typically spring time action or is it fishy throughout the year?
5/4/2018 5:50:54 PM
It fishes throughout the year but gets very busy in later spring and summer with pleasure boats so I really enjoy this time of year to fish and late fall through winter!
5/5/2018 9:10:09 AM
Salmonbarry I bow to your fishing prowess. Nice job and great report! Fished Lake WA from 9am to 5pm yesterday (Friday 5/4) and other than 2 missed drive-bys, nothing. Did 2 complete loops from Coulon, up to N end of Seward, back down shoreline past Atlantic launch, down to the Cedar. Even read this report while I was out on the water and switched up to a Brads mini cut plug then a kokabow spinner and hit the Atlantic area. Water is slowly warming and the fish in the S end of the lake seem really scattered. Next to nothing showed up on my sonar all day. Maybe I will take up golf! ;-) -G
5/5/2018 6:19:51 PM
Thanks gcban but we had the same experience Friday morning as I couldn't resist getting back out after that great evening. We put in at 6 am and fished until 9am and found nothing doing from any of the same areas! We were probably just leaving as you were putting in as we needed to get my boat down to American lake Friday to pre-fish for the derby!
5/5/2018 11:54:47 AM
Nice fish Barry. Glad to hear you got your motor fixed and it ran well. Tight lines brother - Alan
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709