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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Secret Spot Report



81° - 85°
Largemouth Bass
Mostly Sunny
All Day

I don't usually report a "Secret Lake" but a good fishing buddy took to a lake he would like to keep secret for a while. It is not really a secret lake - It has a WDFW access area.

Anyway, I had never caught a bass from this lake. We launched his bass boat and started fishing. He soon started pulling in one nice fish after another. Most of them in the 2 pound range. I was fishing a couple of my favorites - a bleeding shad size 11 floating Rapala Minnow on my spinning outfit and a black jig on my casting rig. I finally caught a little nine incher on my Rapala for a new personal lake record but by then my buddy had probably caught and released about 10 nice fish. He offered me one of the lures he was using but I was stubborn and thought I was fishing with some very good fish catchers.

Finally, I relented and let him tie one of his lures onto my spinning outfit. I begin to catch fish - not as many as my buddy but I did catch several up to 2 pounds. (a better personal lake record) Temps were in the low 80s, The sun was shining, the black birds were singing - It was a great day - and my first bass boat ride since I gave away my beloved Bass Tracker a few years ago.


5/25/2018 2:51:58 PM
Great to have you back on the water fishing for those critters called Bass. :-)
bob johansen
5/25/2018 5:59:09 PM
Thanks AMX - It was a very nice day on the water and catching a few bass was frosting on the cake. All fish released.
The Quadfather
5/25/2018 11:12:45 PM
Bob, Your 5 Star report made my day!!
89, and still rockin’ it!

I salute your friend for getting you out.
Another lake to add to the diary. Just think, No matter what you caught this day, it is your personal BEST in this lake. (First time fished, you said)
bob johansen
5/26/2018 7:19:28 AM
Thanks Quadfather. It was a very nice day on the water and my friend was an excellent fishing buddy. Actually, I had fished the lake before, back in 1987 and caught no bass - only trout. My fishing days are numbered but I really feel blessed to have been able to catch bass from 273 different lakes and reservoirs in this great state of Washington.
5/26/2018 2:33:31 PM
I can count the number of lakes I've fished in this state on one hand, ok, maybe 2 hands, 3 hands? But I don't have 3 hands. Might have to remove a shoe and count a toe or 2. :-)
5/27/2018 9:58:21 PM
Great job Bob! Good to see you out there.
bob johansen
5/28/2018 8:46:00 AM
Thanks Jerry - good to be out there.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709