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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report


71° - 75°
Mostly Sunny
All Day
61° - 65°

Fort Spokane opened both docks Saturday afternoon.. makes it easy to get loaded and unloaded one again with no waiting.. that's not the only good news however.. fishing is still great on the Spokane and Columbia.. water temps are going up.. right around 65 in the afternoon.. was fairly quiet as far as boat traffic .. fishing was good from the confluence all the way to porcupine and beyond.. this week the fish were bigger.. boated only 1 dink.. a nice 6".. well.. maybe 4" .. the rest were 15 to 19 and in total the two of us caught umm.. maybe 35.. keeping enuf to put some in the freezer. I am sure if I would have concentrated on a few hotspots we would have caught many more but I just wandered around putting in at some places I have never tried just to see what the contour was like for future reference.fish were caught no matter where we stopped.. some placed better than others.. green rigs seemed to take a back seat today.. pink was not offering anything like it usually does on the river there.. most fish were caught with gold. dragging around with a bottom bouncer concentrating on 10-20FOW.. closer to the 10 side seemed to work better.. boated one really nice rainbow as well.. right at 3 pounds..


6/3/2018 11:16:36 AM
great report, thanks for the info - did you get up to the #5 can yet ?? my comfort zone is 1273' and above so it looks like this coming Tues or Wed.
6/4/2018 7:48:55 PM
never had to get past porky bay.. I saw boats heading up river.. how far.. dunno.. Sunday fishing slowed.. hope its not the end of the river.. although I see banks heating up a bit.. trying there next weekend
6/3/2018 9:26:32 PM
Great report, once I get done halibut fishing I hope to get over there to get some walleye with my sled. I have been following the reports and fishing seems to be fantastic.
6/4/2018 7:50:45 PM
it will slow on the Spokane if history plays out.. going to be great fishing somewhere though . =}---
6/4/2018 8:00:16 PM
Thanks for the report! I'm heading over there next week for four days of fishing. I have never really fished there in that area. Looks like you fish it a lot so I figure you know. Do you need a permit from the tribe to fish from Ft. Spokane area up to Porcupine? Figured I'd broaden the area I fish. See something new.
6/5/2018 6:38:33 AM
permit?? hell if you do need one I been doing it wrong for years lol..
6/5/2018 9:26:42 PM
on a side note.. fished Sunday as well.. maybe the bite is slowing.. maybe it was a low pressure that was spose to come in.. fish were much harder to find.. and most were smaller.. what a difference a day makes.. hey.. ya shudda been here yesterday =)~
6/9/2018 12:25:08 PM
No permit required in/on the spokane arm, yet. I'm sure our indigenous neighbors would like nothing better than to achieve
a further level of control, like the San Poil.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709