6/18/2018 10:21:00 PM
6/19/2018 8:22:49 AM
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6/19/2018 5:47:33 PM
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6/19/2018 6:54:13 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Wow, all I can say is Old Goat Lures. We went down to Lake Washington for the Renton chapter of Puget Sound Anglers annual cutthroat trout fishing derby. We had a great day. We fished outside of the Kirkland area, Moss Bay and ended the day with 12 fish total. Starting at 5:30am we were hoping to get one or two for the derby and around 6:30 we hooked into our first one. Only one problem, it turned out to be about a 2 pound chinook salmon. We released that one and in the second hour we came up with one 14" er. Well, we now had one for the derby so that was good. Trolled another half an hour and bam, a 2 pounder. Maybe not a derby winner but we had a decent keeper now. Trolled all the way to Juanita bay with no takers and decided to try one more trip back south across Moss Bay before trying another spot. Glad we did. From that point on we never went long without a fish on. All were caught on our Old Goat lures so be sure and get some for your tackle box. We ended up with 11 cutthroat, 2 had to be thrown back as they did not meet the 12" inch minimum but we, and I of coarse mean the kids on the boat, landed 4 that were about 2 pounds each and 1 that was 2lbs 10oz and the other was 2lbs 14oz. The derby awards were handed out and the top three fish in the derby were all caught by kids. We had 3 kids in our boat and Milo took 2nd place in the derby while Gavin took 3rd place. A great day for the Bounty Hunter and bragging rights too.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service