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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA


71° - 75°
Trolling W/Downriggers
Cutthroat Trout
Mostly Sunny
61° - 65°

Wow, all I can say is Old Goat Lures. We went down to Lake Washington for the Renton chapter of Puget Sound Anglers annual cutthroat trout fishing derby. We had a great day. We fished outside of the Kirkland area, Moss Bay and ended the day with 12 fish total. Starting at 5:30am we were hoping to get one or two for the derby and around 6:30 we hooked into our first one. Only one problem, it turned out to be about a 2 pound chinook salmon. We released that one and in the second hour we came up with one 14" er. Well, we now had one for the derby so that was good. Trolled another half an hour and bam, a 2 pounder. Maybe not a derby winner but we had a decent keeper now. Trolled all the way to Juanita bay with no takers and decided to try one more trip back south across Moss Bay before trying another spot. Glad we did. From that point on we never went long without a fish on. All were caught on our Old Goat lures so be sure and get some for your tackle box. We ended up with 11 cutthroat, 2 had to be thrown back as they did not meet the 12" inch minimum but we, and I of coarse mean the kids on the boat, landed 4 that were about 2 pounds each and 1 that was 2lbs 10oz and the other was 2lbs 14oz. The derby awards were handed out and the top three fish in the derby were all caught by kids. We had 3 kids in our boat and Milo took 2nd place in the derby while Gavin took 3rd place. A great day for the Bounty Hunter and bragging rights too.


6/18/2018 10:21:00 PM
Dan, it appears that you well could be hooked on the Cuttie fishing on the big lake, Lake Washington. In my opinion, its an extremely underdeveloped fishery and certainly beats the heck out of the smaller class Cutties that are found in Lake Sammamish. I got one earlier this spring that was drop dead gorgeous at 23 inches. Beyond that and especially at this time of the year and in the coming months, there is always the possibility of hooking into an incidental 4 to 6 pound Sockeye. Although they are not legal to keep and must be released back to the lake, that can be quite a thrilling experience in itself. You named some key spots to fish in the north half of the lake that my fishing partner and I sometimes frequent. My favorite at this time of the year is the Campaign Point to Juanita Point trolling area. If you get back up into that area, you should give that trolling area a whirl. Its been very good to me and my fishing partner over quite a few years. As for the Old Goat lure, I'll have to give it a try one of these days. I continue to hear very good things about that lure. I only wish it came with scaling in a blue, white and silver color combination. Our favorite rig for Lake Washington for quite a few years has been a Sling Blade, 16 inches of leader with a Ace-Hi Fly Junior #344 Blue Spatter Back. We feel it does a good job of imitating the Cutties favorite bait fish in Lake Washington.
6/19/2018 8:22:49 AM
Sounds like a great day! Kids and wives will out fish you most of the time LOL. Dang Old Goats sure seem to "gitter done".
6/19/2018 9:03:12 AM
Dan: Thanks for putting the Old Goat OG1s to work out there in the lake! We absolutely appreciate it!!
Ben Eggertsen
6/19/2018 10:24:50 AM
Great day and report! Thanks.
6/19/2018 5:47:33 PM
Great job! Saw you guys at the event and you had a ton of nice fish in the box! Congrats and great to see those smiling faces on the kids! I need to motor up to that end of the lake again one of these days but it's just so much closer and easier for me to fish the south end ( 10 minutes from my house without even taking the freeway!) I need to just dedicate a day to the old goats and see if I can't get on the band wagon!
6/19/2018 8:06:29 PM
Salmonbarry: I believe Dan was fishing the perch OG1; He's had success with it on both Sammamish and Lake Washington. (Not sure as to which size was the more effective on Saturday--the 2.44 or the 2.8.) Dan?
6/19/2018 6:54:13 PM
Salmonbarry: I'm within 15 minutes of the boat launch at Lake Sammamish, however, I'm more than happy to do the longer drive to fish the north half of Lake Washington just because of the better size and beefy nature of its Cutthroat. Frankly, I happen to think its a better Cutthroat fishery than is the south half of the big lake. This is really the prime time to fish the key spots in the north half of the lake some of which fishindan recently found very productive. I read very recently the WDFW estimated there are something on the order of 350,000 Cutthroat in Lake Washington with a population that continues to grow. Its no wonder the sockeye smolts coming out of the Cedar River and Sammamish Slough drainage's have such a hard time making it out of the big lake as Cutthroat are extremely predator oriented.
6/19/2018 7:13:46 PM
Gotcha and yes I can make that drive too but often I try and go before work or on a work day so need to be close to home in Seatac in case I have to run home! Plan on 'hooking up' with DJ Butler in the near future so he can show me his haunts up that way!
6/19/2018 8:26:20 PM
DJ is the Lake Washington wizard!!!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709