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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bradley Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Rainbow Trout

Just want too give a everyone a quick update on Rules Changes that go into effect July 1st.....Was talking to a game warden and there have been some changes, Bradley Lake is a big one, Starting July 1st it is open too Juvenile and Senior anglers only, and anglers with disabilities, to verify, I also just read it on the the new rules....Just a Heads up as I am sure a lot of anglers will not read the new rules and just keep fishing it, was also told they will not be giving warnings, will be a ticket for fishing in waters you are not too be fishing in, as it is your responsibility too know the rules, so just a heads heads up, I was told they are trying too make the rules easier, but I can see them being more confusing.....anyway just a heads up.....as of July 1st unless your one of the above, You will no longer be able too fish Bradley....


6/20/2018 10:35:54 AM
Do you have any idea why they changed it? I figured it's just cause it gets overfished but I'd like to hear what the actual reason is. Thanks for the info tho
6/20/2018 11:03:00 AM
That is a part of it from what I was told, but an even bigger part is too make the rules more standard across the board....as Bradley is small, gets way too much pressure, but the bigger part is it is Juvenile only for a month a year, and they are trying too make the rules standard and not have special rules here and there, so its now a Juvenile only lake. with disabilities ect.....effective July 1st with the new rules, But i can see a lot of anglers not paying attention or not reading the new laws. The new laws are out on the WDFW Website, I have not seen the printed versions yet, but I am sure they are out. There are a lot of changes, so I would advise everyone read.....Such as some of the Mountain Kokanee Lakes that had Bonus limits of Kokanee have gone too the Statewide rules and regs which equals just 10 Kokanee, and not the 16....Rainbow is still 5 trout across the board. Some Lakes also changed too Year around, but many did stay the same with the last Sat in April Opening, just a good idea too read too make sure your favorite lake didn't change, and I noticed many streams especially too the east have different rules on different sections, although still mostly catch and release....
6/20/2018 9:41:46 PM
Yes they came out with the printed version.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709