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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



71° - 75°
Cutthroat Trout
Herring Strips
71° - 75°

So kind of hard to say no when the area president of Us Foods asks you to take a day off to take he and his son fishing while visiting from Salt lake city! Was hoping to at least get him a fish or 2 but was surprised at the success we had today!

Met at the boat launch at Gene Coulon at 5:30 am to just a glorious morning with very little wind and went over some basic 101 of fishing on the Tin Cup! Had an excited little 11 year old who was anxious to get his first WA state fish ever so we motored over to the south tip of Mercer island to start our troll. Wanted to try something different today after fishing with D.J. Butler in the north end last weekend as I noticed he fished in my much shallower water then I usually do- so we started in 65 feet of water parallel to the shoreline heading west at 1.8 mph.

Put out the lead core rod with an orange spinner tipped with worm 120 feet behind the boat, tipped with a night crawler- one down rigger rod with a blue kokabow sling blade and a mini cup plug black with a pink tail tipped with a herring strip and the other with an orange wiggle hootchie with a pink gulp maggot. Figured had something out there some fish would want to eat! Right off the bat we get a hit on the lead core rod so Benson was reeling in his first fish of the day! Wasn't fighting much and soon realized why as it was a perch! At least the skunk was off the boat!

Put it back out and rounded the corner of the tip staying in the 55 to 75 feet of water zone- now I informed them of the large amount of sockeye in the lake and explained if we hooked one we would have to release it. No sooner did I say that then the rod with wiggle hootchie buries down and pops the clip and it's fish on! I say this looks like a sockeye as I hand the rod to Benson as it's got some weight to it and making some huge runs; he is handling it like a pro and soon we get it close to the boat and I notice it's a huge cutthroat so in the net it goes and it's high 5's all around!

Next as we pass the big white house I see some big marks at 65 feet in 75 feet of water and hoping they are not sockeye put one rod at 55 and 1 at 65 and WHAM! The rod at 55 with the mini cut plug goes straight down and pulls off the clip and I say okay this is a sockeye as it peels off about 50 feet of line! I hand Matt the rod and he works this fish close and see it's another nice cutty! In the net it goes now they each have caught one and another round of high 5's! After a little lull and working back and forth along the shoreline staying in the under 80 feet range I change out the wiggle hootchie to one of the new RMT spinners I had got at the sportsman show with a matching splatter sling blade tipped with gulp maggots.

Picked up another perch on the lead core so end up retiring it so we could focus on the 2 rods on the riggers- suddenly the RMT rod goes off and it's another screamer! Benson get's back on the rod and now he's working it like a pro slowly bringing the rod back and reeling down until soon I see it's another slab! Wow! 3 nice cutthroats by 8 am is much more then I had hoped for for sure but soon the bite died for awhile and we both started getting calls from work so were getting ready to head in around 9:30 when just as I was bringing in the last rod felt a tug and WHAM! A fish hit it on it's way in so we finished the day with 4 nice fish and some happy smiling faces to brighten my day!

Now it's back to the home projects for a couple weekends so not sure when I will be able to get back out again but if I do I'll see you on the water!


7/14/2018 10:33:18 AM
Nice fish!
7/14/2018 11:28:15 AM
Nice report Salmonbarry. I launched at Coulon yesterday morning at 8:15am, I headed straight to the S end of Mercer also. Sorry we did not get the chance to cross paths and meet face to face.
7/14/2018 4:09:58 PM
I think I saw you out there- we worked primarily on the west side of Mercer across from the Atlantic city boat launch but around 10 am worked out way to the mouth of the cedar then back to Coulon- I am going to try and get out again Tuesday or Wednesday morning early so keep an eye out for me!
7/14/2018 1:54:03 PM
Atta boy Barry! Sounds like a good trip. Thanks for the report. Andy
Markin' Fish
7/14/2018 6:19:05 PM
Great Report Barry. Can't wait to get out on Monday or Tuesday. Those were the beasts I remember catching last July on the South end.
7/14/2018 7:26:22 PM
Salmonbarry: Congratulations to you and your young fishing partner for the success you had in the south end of the big lake yesterday morning. When it comes to beefy fish size and quality, its pretty hard to beat what you can scoop out of the big lake. I did not file a report on my outing to the north end this past week, however, the Cutties my long time fishing partner and I took home appeared to be of similar size to the fish shown in your photos. Much like you and your young friend, we hit the north end waters very early this past week at the first rays of sunlight. We fished until around 10:00 AM and then called it a day coming home with 6 gorgeous Cutties for the grill. My buddy lost one up close to the boat that appeared to be around 22 to 24 inches. As always, our strategy before spending too much trolling time in one area is to try to locate a bait fish school the Cutties are feeding upon. Up at the north end, that can usually can be done within 10 to 20 minutes of scouting the waters . That's a fishing strategy well taught to me from a former old time guide who worked the big lake. If we are lucky enough to find a bait fish school in short order, rather than fishing through the middle of the bait fish school, we like to fish around its fringes while trying to stay within its proximity. At times, that can be hard to do and very frustrating as they can disappear in a flash. We often have had very good success fishing for the Cutties using that strategy. As you might already know from reading my past reports, my buddy and I are long prejudiced toward using a 4 1/2 inch sling blade with the ACE-Hi Fly Junior #344 (Blue Spatterback) with a downrigger application. At the urging and recommendation of another friend who frequently fishes the north end of the big lake, we gave the Old Goat OG1/2.44 (black dot/blue top with white/pink under belly) a good try this past week replacing the triple hook with a siwash hook and we found it to be similarly effective behind a 4 1/2 inch sling blade. Both of these types of lures do a pretty decent job of mimicking a Lake Washington bait fish. .
7/14/2018 7:48:41 PM
Thanks for the info and I really need to give the old goat another try as so far have only had success with them over in EA WA. I have the blue and green one which does resemble the bait fish they are feeding on so will try that next time with the 4 1/2" sling blade. Are you putting any bait on the hook or scent?
7/15/2018 2:35:54 PM
Salmonbarry: In regards to your question whether my fishing partner and I use bait or scent on our Lake Washington lures and hooks, we always use Smelly Jelly paste scent . We never use bait or cut bait with our lures. Our favorite Smelly Jelly scent is called Trout Feast. When using the ACE Hi-Fly Junior #344 (Blue Spatterback), we apply it to the head end near the eyes (never on the wings-can distort the action) and to each of its hooks and then we run the scent up the leader material about a foot from the head end of the lure using our fingers. With the Old Goat OG1/2.44 with the combination that I previously described and at the recommendation of another fishing friend who swears by that lure for use on the big lake, we use the same scent by applying it to the small cavity at the rear of that lure where the small bead resides. We also run it up the leader material in similar fashion to the Ace-Hi Fly Junior as well as to its single siwash hook which is a replacement for the Old Goat furnished triple hook. In each lure type offering, we re-apply the scent on a frequent basis meaning about every 15 to 20 minutes. We think it really does help attract the Cutties to these lures. You might give it a try and see if it works for you. If our wives don't have any honey do's for us this coming week, we will be back up at the north end of the big lake at some point. The Cuttie fishing up there has been simply outstanding lately. Good luck to you down at the south end.
7/15/2018 5:06:19 PM
Thanks for the intel! I am determined to get one on the OG lures so will try that technique next time out- I did the same with treble and replaced it with a split shot/drop shot hook so will let you know how I do!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709