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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 11 Tacoma - Vashon Report



61° - 65°
Coho Salmon
Herring Strips
56° - 60°

So after my last trip to Baker lake when my trailer bunk broke was looking for an opportunity to get it repaired- thought about taking it early to Gene Coulon, fishing for a few hours then leaving it at one of the slips and run home to repair. But with Seafair going on that was not an option this week! Then low and behold one of my chef's has a slip at the Des Moines marina and offered his spot to me as he needed to pull his out to clean and pressure wash it! Sweet and with the upcoming PSA south sound derby figured it was a perfect time to fix the trailer and fish too!

Now fast forward to today: In speaking with Fish Dawg this week learned he was not going to do the derby due to limited launching options so offered up a seat on the boat if he wished! He jumped at the opportunity so we met down at the marina last night to come up with a game plan! The plan was to meet at 4 am and load things up and head up to Allen bank to start the day!

Today: Well our first plan to meet at 4 am came off without a hitch and soon we were motoring up north heading to Allen bank but were met head on with some stronger then expected wind and soon some pretty good swells giving us a morning salt shower! AUDIBLE CALLED! We changed our plan and tucked in behind 3 tree point and soon were fishing on a ledge at about 110 to 130 and marking fish! Nobody was interested in our offerings so we both changed things up to see if we could find something more enticing!

As we trolled north noticed a long line coming up from the bottom of about 150 feet to 50 feet with arches on both sides of the line. Bryan immediately recognized it as a derelict crab pot line and sure enough the passenger side down rigger gets hung up! We slowly worked the snagged ball up until finally I was able to grab what was left of a crab float with weighted line attached- Bryan smartly told me to keep the line in the water so my boat would not get filled with sea life and man was he right!

There was enough sea life on it to have made a good episode of National Geographic! After getting everything off of it, gathered as much as we could, cut off the float and sank it to the bottom- Phew disaster averted! So things seemed to have calmed down a bit so we decided to make a run over to Beal Point to fish there and see if the wind died down.

Well after a bumpy wet ride over we found a slew of boats working that area and soon saw a net fly! Yes we were finally into some action- we thought): Soon it was evident most boats were targeting coho and one boat in particular was having consistent success but not for us! As tide started to start coming in pretty good and again a strong N-NE wind was blowing decided to just troll south with the tide and wind behind us- we were still marking tons of fish and finally was we approached the KVI towers both rods started bouncing at 120 feet on the wire and we had a double! So you'd think that would have excited us but my fish just sort of came in without much of a fight so thought i had a dog fish and Bryan's fish came in as a sub legal king- but as mine got closer realized it was a silver that had tail wrapped itself some how so came in backwards but was hooked in the mouth so over the rail it came!

Sad to say that was the last of the action and I made the decision to head back across and it was getting worse out there and we had another wild and wet ride back across the sound to the marina. All in all it is always a pleasure fishing with Bryan and despite the set backs we still had a great time today! Getting home was able to finish the boat trailer project so now have 2 brand new bunks to glide the Tin cup on when retrieving it from the water! Pictures attached of the winning combo for the one silver caught and kept for my meal tonight!

See you on the water!

PS- we were actually targeting Chinook but since the only keeper fish was a coho changed it!


8/8/2018 5:46:09 PM
Hey Barry, at least you avoided the skunk! Thanks for the report. Andy
8/12/2018 10:06:16 AM
Thanks for the report. I find the weather to be very interesting. We fished the derby in area 11 and the weather was great. Very little wind and calm waters.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709