8/14/2018 9:08:38 PM
The Quadfather
8/14/2018 10:31:10 PMNot meaning to stir it up, but I don’t see a ‘dropper’ as clearly indicating ‘snagging’. I consider snagging as a verb. The dropper is a noun. (2nd hook below 1st). Dropper flys are as common as anything... so anyone fishing a dropper fly, size 22, size of a knat, is snagging. Regardless that Riverhunter was fishing a dropper under a jig, different setup... but just saying... I didn’t see him SWING hard on the hook set??
Don’t even know Riverhunter, but he has always posted legit/worthy reports.
Just sayin’

8/14/2018 11:25:26 PM"Anti-Snagging - Rule Except when fishing with
a buoyant lure (with no weights added to the
line or lure), or trolling from a vessel or floating
device, terminal fishing gear is restricted to a
lure or bait with one single-point hook. Hooks
must measure ¾" or less from point to shank,
and must be attached to or below the lure or
bait. Weights may not be attached below or less
than 12" above the lure or bait"
The only legal multihook setups in areas with anti-snagging rules in effect are lures that float(plugs).
Jigs and droppers aren't floating lures.
Pg 35-36 has all the sky regs and the section he is fishing has anti-snagging rules in affect.

8/15/2018 4:56:58 AM
8/15/2018 7:30:51 AM
8/15/2018 9:19:28 AM
8/15/2018 10:17:26 PM