Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
The kids and I got up early for some coho and crabbing action before the Huskies game. Launched at Shilshole and dropped four pots, then started trolling from Meadow Point toward West Point. Around 7am or so we got a nice hatchery king (maybe 10-12lbs?) that we had to release in front of the marina. The king came about 60' down on a green wiggle hoochie. About an hour or so later we hooked a coho on a pink brad's cut plug, but we lost it at the boat.
Other than shakers, that was it until the tide change around 10am, when we hooked and landed a nice wild coho (maybe 8-10lbs?) on a Dick Nite Xtractor flasher and green/glow hoochie with a green/silver spin n' glo in front. That came about 56' down. 15 minutes later we hooked another on the same setup. This time it was a smaller hatchery coho (4lbs?) that my daughter reeled in.
By that time we had to check the pots and get back for kickoff. The crabbing was no good. Four pots soaking for about 4 hours and only one keeper-sized red rock. All the rest were small/female.
All in all it was a good time, and hopefully the beginning of a great coho season!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service