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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



56° - 60°
Cutthroat Trout
Herring Strips
61° - 65°

Fall is finally setting in here in the PNW. No better time to Target Lake Washington’s giant Cutthroat Trout.

Started the morning targeting coho but couldn’t get any willing biters. Schools were marked few and far between so I soon changed up tactics and went after Cutts.

Not long after doing so I hit my first fish. 50ft of water 45 on the wire. First fish was decent at 19 inches long with some serious girth. Next two fish barely pushed 12 inches so back they went. Shortly after releasing the little guys my rod buries under and I am fighting what felt like a coho. After a very fun fight I land my largest cutt ever caught on the lake. Just shy of 4lbs and 22.5 inches long. This fish displayed some Beautiful fall colors. Last and final fish was hooked as I was letting my gear down and snagged the fish right in the gills. Small 14 inch fish so I kept it due to the amount of blood coming out.

3 fish kept, 5 fish hooked in an hours worth of trolling. Here are the details:

Location: Kirkland Water Front

Gear used: Shasta tackle Sling blade UV, chartreuse hoochie, UV smile blade

Bait: Herring Strips

Scent: herring

Trolling speed: 1.7 - 1.9


9/30/2018 11:34:27 AM
Wow...nice cutts.My biggest was 25" caught and released out of lake crescent in clallam county.caught it trolling a red tailed woolly bugger along the railroad trail. Same day I got an 8 lb beardsley trout on the same fly.
9/30/2018 11:37:55 AM
for got to mention that was 6 years ago when I was able to fish. Due to my health this site is my only release.
9/30/2018 2:35:20 PM
That sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you can get back on the water soon!
9/30/2018 12:07:51 PM
Nice fish!
9/30/2018 2:37:03 PM
Thank you Alfafish
Markin' Fish
9/30/2018 12:32:45 PM
Great report DJ. Thanks for the insight. Will be hitting the big lake tomorrow morning.
9/30/2018 12:49:19 PM
Nice job DJ! Hit the South end of the lake Saturday myself. Using pretty much the same lure setup in your picture but had several strikes come off, nothing made it to the boat. Switched to an 8" green rotating flasher and a cop car coho killer with a 2/0 hook and a pink maggot on it, that was the ticket. 75 to 85 ft down in over 100ft of water, 1.8 to 2.2 mph. SE corner of Seward park area to Cedar river was my troll. All nice and fat also. All of them 18" to 20". Guess that bigger hook kept the smaller ones away. Kept 4 cutts. Thought about heading up N. of the 520 but didn't see any great reports from up there so decided to save the gas. Maybe Friday.
9/30/2018 2:38:41 PM
Nice man, I think the coho fishing has slowed down the Cutt reports for the north end. The Cutt fishing has been phenomenal. Sorry I havnt posted much. I’ve been hitting it hard the past month and having great success.
Ben Eggertsen
9/30/2018 2:06:32 PM
Great report! I struck out on coho in the same location. I cycled through a lot of gear including herring strips and was finally trying a deadly venom spinner with beads when a big cutt hit. It was not my target but a lot of fun all the same.

Fish on!
9/30/2018 2:39:30 PM
These coho kicked my butt this year again. I did land two of them when I was trolling for Cutts which was interesting. Hit a wedding ring and all.
9/30/2018 2:37:31 PM
Nice brotha. We will be out there tomorrow in a bigger boat.
9/30/2018 5:57:43 PM
Nice Cutts DJ!!! What a hog!! Hope to see you out there soon
9/30/2018 7:47:23 PM
Very nice Dj! I need to give that fishery a try one of these days.
10/1/2018 7:45:57 PM
You will love it brotha!
9/30/2018 9:01:56 PM
Great report and some real good looking cutts. My husband and I were out on Lake WA on Saturday and got no love from the coho either.
9/30/2018 10:11:35 PM
Nice! Ive noticed the cutts in the smaller lakes around the area are hungry too! What size sling blade do you prefer for cutts, and what length leader? Seems like the Lake Sawyer cutthroat wont bite if the dodger is too big or too close... Ive resorted to fst salmon fishing spoons for attraction, or no dodger at all.
10/1/2018 7:41:25 PM
Side burns, I’m running a 6 inch dodger with 18 inch leaders on most of my lures for the lake. Seems to be the ticket.
goldfish crackers
10/1/2018 7:26:01 AM
DJ, your reports are always awesome!
I've always fished on the south end, not necessarily killin em, but holding my own. With work getting in the way it's been a couple of years. Taking our new boat out this am to just check it out and I'm thinking about heading north to give it shot. Thanks for all of your great reports. Not being able to fish much, at least I can read about it,lol.
10/1/2018 7:43:23 PM
The north end will not disappoint. Lots of fish in the Kirkland area. Not many fishing boats, and bonus size Cutts! I’ve put in a lot of time figuring out this fishery. Still not excellent at it but I seem to do pretty good year round.
10/1/2018 9:49:21 AM
Glad to see you back and posting DJ. Have a great Fall brother.
10/1/2018 7:44:08 PM
Thanks man! I’ve been a little lazy on the post lately. Been out a lot and doing very well on the lake. You will see more this fall!
10/1/2018 4:15:22 PM
DJ mah man... Been looking out for your report bruh. Nice fishes, nice report nice day.
10/1/2018 7:44:52 PM
Huli, good to hear from you brotha. Was hoping to run into you at the river but that came to an end very fast this year. Hope all is well brotha.
King me
10/3/2018 7:39:32 PM
Nice work man!! I’m the guy with the Black Northriver Commander. I’ve seen you out there quite a few times. We have had a pretty solid year out there for Coho this year. I haven’t been out for over a week though because of deer hunting, but am hoping to make it out again real soon. Nice cutties. We will be after those and bass next time out. Tight lines!!
10/4/2018 8:40:48 AM
Great report DJ. Glad to hear you are still slaying them. May head over there today with the Hobie. :)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709