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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report



51° - 55°
Mostly Sunny
Trolling Fly
All Day
41° - 45°

We got out to Roosevelt again this weekend. While trying to put in at Fort Spokane, we encountered an SUV backed up near the information sign unloading gear and kayaks. Don't think that I have anything against kayaks (I own one) or smaller craft, but they didn't unload and move the SUV, they left it nosed out into the turn-around, right in the way of all the trucks and trailers trying to swing around to launch their boats. They left it there about 20 minutes, while they collected and inventoried their gear. I'm sure this would have caused a lot of honking, yelling and swearing on a busier day. (not great launch etiquette)

We launched and headed up the Arm. The new slide above Porcupine looks like it put more material in the lake than the first one did, this was probably because the new slide is piled up on the old one. We started trolling up and down the shoreline until we found the depth the walleye were at. The late fall bite seems to be kind of light and sometimes we weren't even sure we had one on or not, but every once in a while you'd get one that would just slam your bait and start ripping line off the reel. We lost two, threw back a couple and kept thirteen. Not a bad day, and from the reports at the launch we had more wallys than everyone else combined. Lots of guys were targeting trout, and had several limits.

The day started out foggy and cold, but once that burned off it warmed right up and turned into an amazing day on the water. The bite was really slow but by noon it had picked up and was pretty consistent.

At 4:30 it cooled down fast and we raced back toward the Fort Spokane launch. As we approached the buoys, we watched one guy "Wake-Man" blow full-speed through the no wake zone to get to the launch. A guy on the dock told him what the buoys indicated (just in case he couldn't read) Wake-Man shrugged it off like that was for everyone else. We tied up behind him, and the guy next to us and I walked up to get our trucks and trailers. It must have been one of those days, because when we got to the turn-around, Wake-Man had loaded his boat and pulled up just far enough into the turn-around, to make it so the guy next to us had to readjust 3 or 4 times to get his trailer lined up and in the water. Tires breaking loose from hard accelerations showed his frustration, Wake-Man seemed oblivious. I got around Wake-Man and slipped right in, Mark drove the boat onto the trailer, I locked it down and drove us out of the combat zone with Mark still in the boat.


10/28/2018 9:00:59 PM
Think I was the one having trouble backing up. Let it get in my head and totally looked like a backup rookie. Just no accounting for some people kids.

When that afternoon wind kicked up it cooled pretty quickly. It was a good day, can't let somebody that doesn't know the ropes mess it up. For the most part everyone is really smooth and courteous at the Roosevelt launches.
Glad you got some walleye, we got our rainbows.
10/28/2018 10:11:05 PM
You're right Part-Time, for the most part everyone using the Roosevelt launches is courteous and knows how to get in and get out without messing it up for everyone else. All in all it was a fantastic day of fishing and we couldn't ask for better weather the last weekend of October.
10/30/2018 8:59:25 AM
Thanks for your report! I need to start trolling for 'eyes for those days when catch our trout limit in an hour two. Variety is a good thing. :-)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709