11/8/2018 8:52:47 AMYou're on the right track with leeches and buggers. We've found that Halloween leeches (black and orange) along with green sparkle buggers with black tails work about the best. In the late spring, fish just off the reeds with medium sized (#14) chironomids and you won't miss. If you cross the dam and fish the second inlet, there's a great camping site and you can launch your tube just a few steps from camp. The downside to fishing these reservoirs is that it will spoil you fishing in Washington waters. A mtn view rainbow weighs in at just over 2 lbs and every trip I land at least one 22 to 24" that will hit 5lbs. Extremely well fed and chunky fish.

11/8/2018 9:24:36 AM
11/8/2018 1:12:11 PMSince you live in Hailey (lucky guy) I know a ton of places up there not ruined by the crowds. I grew up in southern Idaho (Twin Falls and Boise) and kept fishing the area even after we moved to Snohomish. Seems strange, but I've fished the area for 55 years. PM me at some point and I'll share some really good spots. Here are a few: Stream fishing the Silver Creek drainage area has some excellent spots as does the Little Lost River in the valley west of the Lemhi range. Probably a 2 hour drive for you. Beaver ponds holding huge native brookies and even grayling! All of which are wet fly candidates except for the dead of summer when dry fly fishing excels. Beyond Sun Valley up the road toward Trail Creek Summit are the largest beaver ponds I've ever seen. some as large as 3 or 4 acres and deep as well. If you don't have Google Earth, download a copy of the "pro" edition and keep it with you. You can see the ponds I'm talking about. Bushwhacking to get to them, but once you do you'll spend the day. While I release all the fish I catch, I will take a large brookie and have broiled fish over a fire that rivals any fish you'll ever eat.