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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sprague Lake Report
Adams County, WA



Rainbow Trout

Where did they go? Al and I returned to Sprague today with high expectations after great trips there the last two weeks. Lines were in the water by 7:15 and the first fish was on 3 minutes later on a chartreuse flickershad. A nice feisty 18” RBT was netted and released a couple minutes later. 5 minutes later a pink flickershad yielded a similar fish. Our expectations really soared but nothing happened for the next hour until a double got us back into catching mode. Then the doldrums took over. We trolled the entire length of the lake and threw multiple colors at them. We landed only 3 more fish over the next 4-5 hours.

Water temp was 39*, speed 2.4-2.8 mph, all fish caught in 12-17 FOW. It was still a fun day on the water on a beautiful sunny day.


11/20/2018 7:47:29 AM
fishindoc; Hi. Thanks for a great report.and thanks for the picture of the flicker shads. That really gives me an idea of what to look for. I was going to hit Merwin tomorrow for some Kokanee, but they're saying 1/2 inch of rain and winds 11-15 mph. Think I'll wait till nicer weather. Take care.
11/20/2018 7:49:42 AM
Oh no! Here we go again, don't think I own a flicker shad. Back to the White Elephant for more tackle. Once again nice pictures.
11/20/2018 2:56:21 PM
The Flicker Shad in the upper right hand corner is a killer walleye lure in Banks Lake when the fish are in shallow water right up next to the rock slides
11/23/2018 4:41:41 PM
Another great report. :-)
1/12/2019 10:39:27 AM
fishindoc; Hi there. Happy New Year. I've never fished the Flicker Shad's yet so I thought I might pick your brain a little if you don't mind. I was wondering what length of leader I should use when trolling over at Sprague lake? Also what would be an ideal setback distance? Should you use it on a straight mono line? Have you tried it with a leaded line in a deeper body of water? Thanks for all the help. Denny
1/13/2019 7:32:03 AM
Denny, I use 8-10 LB mono as my main line with a terminal swivel followed by 12-24” fluorocarbon leader 10-12 LB with a snap to my flickershad. We setback far, guessing120-150 ft. We use a planer board and sidewinder to spread our gear out as we frequently run 5-6 lines with 3 fishing. I stopped by the Sprague launch the other day on my way to Spokane and was surprised to find it ice free but there were still large areas of the lake with ice. Planning on going to Keller in the am. Pink flickershad will be the first lure in the water. Jim
1/19/2019 7:42:45 PM
Jim: I finally saw where you answered my questions that I wasn't sure about. Thank you very much! How was Keller Ferry area? I was there three years ago this spring. I fished east of Hanson Harbor about 1- 1/2 miles near the outhouse in about 30 feet of water. I caught nothing but kokes. Boy were they dandys. Were from 17-22 inches. Never touched a rainbow. But last March 15th we fished mainly west of Spring Canyon launch and Plum Point areas and caught nothing but rainbows. We had 32 into the net, but only brought 10 back home.They ran 16-17 inches with a couple Redlands around 23 inches. They were hitting on a perch fly/corn/nite crawler combo about 180 feet total setback on a leaded line including a 50 foot leader That's the fun thing about fishing. Ya never know what's going to be working for ya from day to day.. I hope you have many happy days out on the waters. We live in a beautiful state. Thanks again. Denny
1/20/2019 7:09:42 AM
Denny, Keller was a 2 for us. 3 fish in the first n10 minutes and then 4 in the next 4 hours The forecasted Sunny day never showed up. The Kokanee fishery there was incredible 2-3 years ago. Talked to a guide there as we were leaving who is optimistic about next year as he had been catching a lot of 13” fish. Good luck to you. Jim
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709