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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



46° - 50°
Trolling With Fly
Cutthroat Trout
Mostly Sunny
Fly Rod

I ventured to the big lake over the weekend because of the perfect conditions and some past reports after my first time hitting the Snoqualmie River for Steelhead in the morning.

I decided to launch my pontoon at the boat launch Saturday and row over towards the Southwest side of the lake. On my way there, I could see the Gulls working the area over for midges. I was super stoked to catch my first Lake Sammy Cutthroat. Pump up the toon, get already to put it in the water....NO OARS!

Drove back home and got back in about 45 minutes but I had a 12:30 to 3:30 pm window that I felt would be the best bite. By the time I rowed all the way there, it was about 1:30 and it did not take long for some action to happen.

I started off with a Size 50 Hot Shot based on recommendation of someone who got plenty of action with it, but unable to get fish to the boat. I needed to see what it was hitting this lure so much. My first fish on came off as I reeled it in as my oar feel into the water (thank goodness it floats!) and my second strike I was looking for my phone. Not a good start of the day.

I switched over to my fly rod with a Type 6 Line and paired it with a Booby Fly! This was my best bet to get as deep as I could with a very slow troll. This combo was on fire for about 75 minutes. To my surprise, the first few fish were juvenile blackmouths. In fact quite a few of them as I ended up with a doz. Mixed in a caught 3 Cutt’s, one which was 18-20 inches long but not as fat as some that I’ve seen from other anglers. The other two were about 13” and pretty skinny.

The Hot Shot did get a few of the Blackmouths later on, but the fly was the ticket for the day. Plenty of Gulls feeding, though I did not see that many midges. Lots of rising fish too and a long Row back to the launch that produced 2 strikes on the HS but no hookups. I was trolling quite fast on the way in.

I was very happy to catch my first native Cutt’s from this lake as I don’t get many days to actual take advantage of a great fishery so close to home.

I went out Sunday morn to be greeted by fish rising everywhere and managed 6 blackmouths and 1 smaller Cutt. I did not stay for the afternoon bite and instead headed to the Green for some Chum action.


12/5/2018 9:55:32 PM
Awesome report and thanks for the info! Hope to see you out there this winter!

Blackmouth are more and more common. Last year we caught a bunch of those small ones, and then one 20” one! Helluva fight on kokanee gear!

Tight lines!
12/5/2018 11:47:22 PM
Sounds like a fun, full day of fishing with a lot of variety. Cool to hear of the Blackmouth being caught. Also good to hear that birds are feeding on midges. Find that, and the cutts will follow.
12/6/2018 1:46:48 PM
I almost went to Sammamish instead of Beaver -as it's easier access for me. But, I'm a cheapskate and wanted the free launch at Beaver!

Nice report - I'll be out there soon enough.
12/6/2018 3:43:25 PM
What color of Hot Shot? And what color booby fly? You might want to try a red and white Dick nite spoon some time. Seems to work at all speeds. I saw gulls in good numbers on the lake while driving past today. I was wondering if the midge hatch has started up now.
12/6/2018 7:37:27 PM
Hot Shot is Black with Silver Specs, size 50.....it’s a disco’ed color but I have a few extra brand new ones if you would like to add that color to your arsenal. I have done very well with this color in other lakes too. The Booby was a shorter fatter version compared to a Bugger Style. Olive with yellow eyes.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709