12/17/2018 9:18:28 AM
12/17/2018 4:54:42 PM
12/17/2018 6:50:51 PMthe trolling motor. Never have had this problems in all the years of bank fishing in the winter. I really felt bad for the Dad
and teen son, as well as another young father with 3 sons from about 6-10 - even with years in the svc and managing construction
in 19 foreign countries and a bunch of states, this is something that is hard to get used to here at home. Ranger would have needed
major back up before wading into that bunch - wouldn't have wished that job on anybody which is why I sucked it up and left.
Next trip will be much better, just sure of it - that one will be in the old 18' NorthRiver, anchor will be at home and mov'in on will
be easy. Good fish though, all last year's holdovers and fun playing them, the day wasn't a total bust. The best to you guys for
a Merry Christmas and Kokoanee new year !