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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report


36° - 40°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Bait
Mostly Sunny
Hook & Bait
All Day

I gave the fishing a 3, all else gets a minus. first the fishing: left SW Spokane 0 dark hundred, arrived Ft Spokane about 6:40 - whoops, left the headlamp on the fishing table - several cars there already, more on that later, got set up and lines in the water by 7:15, bait as usual marshmallows and powerbait, fist fish about 8:30, 2nd about 10:30, 3rd about 1:30 - left after that one. Started short throws this time and progressed deeper to where the bait must have been at about 25'+/_ level ( 1oz wt sinks at approx 1'/sec ) - after the 1st fish started using scent, bloody garlic tuna, super garlic, etc., and added the scent to both the bait and marshmallows - interesting result was I started getting lotsa nibbles - began to realize what was happening midway between 2nd and 3rd fish - the little devils were eating the marshmallows because of the added scent - changed out to just scent on the powerbait, got the 3rd one and hung it up for the day. Now the bad and the ugly - there was a group of eight and they were drinking like there was no tomorrow.
A really great father & son were fishing about 30' away and enjoyed talking to him - he finally had to move/leave because of the yelling and language - good move Dad, it didn't get any better after you left and I moved a couple of times because of the noise - and that was after I shut off the hearing aids - finally after their 2nd beer run and my 3rd fish, I called it quits - should have known better, I'm retired and don't need to fish weekends. Counted 36 vehicles w/trailers in the boat parking lot - WOW, the river must have been busy above the launch - not that many went south. Power bait colors were a mix of rainbow and garlic - when the sun came out added a little flashy orange.


12/17/2018 9:18:28 AM
Bummer. I have nothing for people like that, believe public drunkenness is still some sort of crime, might have called it in. One of the reasons that we like to go up to BC, not much of a problem up there.
12/17/2018 4:54:42 PM
Sorry to hear that. No excuse for that kind of behavior, could have called a park ranger and they might have shooed them off or more.
12/17/2018 6:50:51 PM
P-T & h f, thanks for the comments - there is a lot to be said for being in the boat and the only thing we can hear is
the trolling motor. Never have had this problems in all the years of bank fishing in the winter. I really felt bad for the Dad
and teen son, as well as another young father with 3 sons from about 6-10 - even with years in the svc and managing construction
in 19 foreign countries and a bunch of states, this is something that is hard to get used to here at home. Ranger would have needed
major back up before wading into that bunch - wouldn't have wished that job on anybody which is why I sucked it up and left.
Next trip will be much better, just sure of it - that one will be in the old 18' NorthRiver, anchor will be at home and mov'in on will
be easy. Good fish though, all last year's holdovers and fun playing them, the day wasn't a total bust. The best to you guys for
a Merry Christmas and Kokoanee new year !
12/18/2018 12:00:21 PM
Hey OTSW! It was good talking with ya. I definitely didn't want my son exposed to some of the raunchy stuff those guys were talking about. We went headed further south with no luck, but we had to go by 11 anyways, which didn't leave us much time. I have Mondays off, so I think I'll stick with that day to go shore fishing and keep the weekends for the boat. Good luck and I hope to meet you again in the near future.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709