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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


31° - 35°
Rainbow Trout
All Day
Under 40°

2 of us launched out of Spring Canyon and noticed right away the water level had risen since our last trip (which surprised me, since February usually means even lower water levels). That rising water scattered the zooplankton and the rainbows. We couldn't find any concentrations of fish.-just a few scattered here and there. We fished Swawilla basin and areas upstream between there and Keller. We had only 5 hits all day, landing just 2 keepers (one on a black/orange fly and one on an orange rapala). The fish appear to be at the surface. We didn't mark anything below 24 feet or so and our downriggers didn't get a bump. We called it a day early-around 2:30, and one other angler at the dock reported catching 7 fish (4 keepers) on surface trolled rapalas-all caught pretty close to the Spring Canyon launch. I think it's time to try another lake. Maybe Rufus Woods for a combination walleye/trout trip (after it warms up a bit)....


2/4/2019 8:58:11 AM
Thanks for the report, pretty consistent with my last couple Rainbow trips. This morning the level has dropped to 1279 which doesn't amount to much of anything which makes your Rufus idea seem like a good possibility to me. Long drive is the only drawback for me.
2/4/2019 7:59:03 PM
I wanted to be on Rosie 2-3-19. Instead I watched a lousy football game. Thanks for the report, Andy
2/6/2019 6:36:48 PM
I went to Rufus on 2/1 and managed only one bite/landed fish. Not sure if it was the weather or what but it was pretty tough.
2/7/2019 5:16:03 AM
local went out 2/5. sanpoil arm. second time skunked in 10 yrs. went out with son because we heard a report/no picture, someone had caught a koke. jazzed but no luck for us. been afraid kokes were gone for good so hope it is true. water temp 36.5 degrees, crescent moon, rabbit foot nothing worked. fish finder said fish at 50 to 250'. I think it must be lying.
2/8/2019 6:28:01 AM
FYI to save you some $$, the San Poil arm above boundary "A" is CLOSED for trout, kokanee, smallmouth bass, and walleye Feb 1 - May 31. See pg 70 in current regs pamphlet.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709