3/12/2019 9:26:51 AMWhat map would help me learn the names of all the areas? I have heard them for years but not sure exactly where they are located. How do I learn them? thanks

3/12/2019 5:54:24 PM
AJ's Dad
3/13/2019 6:53:59 AM
3/13/2019 7:23:54 AMMcCoy's - Store on the shore at the north end of Porcupine Bay
Lapham's - Red house on the hill at the south end of porky
Blue Creek - the flat just north of Lapham's across from the big slide that took out the road to the porky launch
Casino flats - large flat right below Two Rivers casino at the mouth of the Spokane Arm
Outhouse flats - large flat near red buoy about a mile north (on the right side) of the mouth of the Spokane Arm
All of these big flats hold fish at different times of the year. Right now the eyes should be starting to move up the Arm; last weekend not withstanding. The warmer weather next week will hopefully light a fire under the eyes to start that migration to the spawning areas.
April and May normally provide some fantastic fishing on the Arm if you know where to look. With the water level dropping it will become a lot more hazardous to go up the Arm but it will be worth it.