3/30/2019 11:35:20 AMI've talked to a number of my fishing friends who have fished the lake the last couple of weeks and as recently as yesterday, 3-29-19, and they all tell me the Cutthroat fishing continues to be very slow with at best 1 to 3 fish encounters for 3 to 4 hours of fishing time with 2 fishermen fishing from the boat. Your recent experience reflects what I've heard. They blame the slow fishing on cold water temperatures which to this point have ranged from the mid 40's to the upper 40;s. We need to hope the oncoming warmer weather will be a difference maker - - - fingers crossed or we all will have to develop another excuse for the slow fishing. My past experience over many years of fishing Lake Sammamish is that fishing generally gets more productive
as the surface water reaches the mid 50 degrees point.

3/30/2019 2:23:58 PM
3/30/2019 8:31:37 PM
3/31/2019 12:48:01 PMI agree with you the spawning period of lake Sammamish Cutthroat negatively impacts the fishery in the time frame as you mentioned. That coupled with cold water temperatures does not now make it an easy fishery. As of this morning, on Sunday, 3-31-19, I noted the weather buoy on the lake was showing an increase in surface water temperature to 51 - - - a step in the right direction. Once it gets to 55 degrees, we hopefully should see better fishing days ahead. Hang in there.

3/30/2019 8:53:57 PMYour experience today, 3-30-19, on Lake Sammamish has put you in the same fish catching mode as those fellow fishers that I know who have fished the lake very recently - - - so don't feel bad. I think the guide who you referenced has it right with much better fishing expected in the late April into May time frame. With cold lake water temperature hanging on for a longer period this year than in past years, it well could be well into May before fish encounters will become more frequent. With cold water temperature, the Cutthroat tend to be more sluggish and are less likely to chase very far for what appears to be a meal unless you are lucky enough to put your offering in their close proximity. I did a check of current water temperature at the Lake Sammamish weather buoy and its now showing a much too cold 49 degrees. Meanwhile, if you need to exercise your motor, test out your gear and want some good fresh air combined with an excellent boat launching facility, Lake Sammamish is quite hard to beat within the local scene.

4/1/2019 8:33:08 PM
4/2/2019 1:03:32 PMThe weather buoy on the lake today, Tuesday, April 2nd, as I just checked it at noon is showing a surface temperature of 52 so I would say your sonar equipment aboard your boat is quite accurate.

4/12/2019 9:52:09 PMI shifted down to the mouth of Issaquah Creek because I saw a fair number of fingerling somethings jumping on the surface in various placed. I thought there might be something migrating down out of the creek and concentrating the cutties. I marked a TON of something on the sonar, but have no idea how to interpret what I saw. At first I thought it might have been vegetation, but after trolling over it for a while, I dropped the ball right into the middle of it for a couple of passes, all with no effect. Water temp north of the creek mouth was 49.
It may be time to get the skiff out of mothballs, charge up the batteries, and get ready for the lowland lakes opener next weekend. Langlois is always a great outing on the opener, but I see the state didn't list any plantings for that fishery this year, so the pickings may be slimmer than in previous years when there were generous infusions of fish immediately prior to opening day.