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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



46° - 50°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny
All Day
41° - 45°

Launched solo out of Ft Spokane and headed up the Arm. The water is very muddy and visibility was about 6" and temp was 44-45 degrees. Headed to buoy 1 (first green buoy past the first narrows) and did a drift down the channel; no bites. Cast jigs in the area across from the buoy; nothing. Drifted along the island with the buoy; nothing. Worked the area where the current comes together at the tail end of the island and picked up one nice smallie.

Went upriver and hit a couple of areas that normally produce this time of year and never had a bite. Then went up to the buoy 5 area and worked it pretty thoroughly with jigs and blade baits; nothing. I found a patter alright; me and HR Nothing Stuff didn't get a bite above buoy 1.

Headed back down to buoy 1 and jigged up a dink walleye at the tail end of the island. Lastly I headed down to the flat at Lapham's (red barn) and trolled smiley blades for an hour or so. Picked up 5 dink walleyes and a burbot; a red smiley blade and beads caught 5 out of 6. Best depth was 25-35 FOW and 1 mph.

I probably could have spent the day trolling around Lapham's and caught more fish but I wanted to see if there were any active fish further up river. The couple of other boats I talked to had as much luck as I did or got skunked; another tough day on the Arm. Hopefully the water clears and the warmer weather late in the week turns the bite on.


4/17/2019 5:57:25 PM
Thanks for another helpful and informative report, hope your right about the warmer weather turning the bite on. Have the new boat almost ready, installing a bow mount trolling motor tomorrow. I didn't realize those things are so heavy.
4/18/2019 9:55:57 AM
Eat your Wheaties Mark. Those bow mounts are a bit on the not fun to lift around and maneuver for sure. I think my boat will be back together within a week. Can't wait to hit the water.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709