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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Roesiger Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



51° - 55°

Special treat today, I got to fish with a local legend, Bruce Pearson founder of the original GameFishin web site. It's been many years since I had seen him and my friend Robbie invited him to join us fishing Lake Roesiger.
Bruce being the comedian that he is start the day off eating a banana when we arrived at our trolling location. The joke was ultimately on him though!

We trolled the north farthest end of the lake for kokanee. The lake has been stocked now for two years to supplement the resident, reproducing kokanee. I had fished the lake last year and had pretty good success for 11-13" koks. We ran 6 rods and a variety of gear, focusing on the top twenty feet of the water column.

Started fishing at 6:30am and pretty quickly hooked our first fish, a little 7" planted kok on an Arctic Fox Kokanee fly and Macks DD Dodger that was safely released. Soon after that we hit a better 11 1/2" kok on a Old Goat in orange. Things slowed down after that, but we did get a nice 13" cutthroat trout.

LAke water temp was 52 and I think that may have slowed the kokanee action just a bit.

Now the banana curse (if you believe such things) came in to play. I had purchased a drone for some filming and launched it to get some overhead footage. As the battery started running down I flew it back to the boat to retrieve, but was having a bit of a difficult time landing it in the boat. As the drone backed dangerously close to a couple rods, Bruce reached out to grab it. Even with the blade guards in place he managed to get a nasty slicing cut on his finger which instantly dripped blood all over my clean boat. Yikes!

We did eventually get the drone in (I'll save that story for another time) but the bite had slowed down. We went back the first part of the lake by the launch and scratched out one more fish, a rainbow, on an Elgin God's Tooth in silver and bronze. So it was a pretty tough day of catching...

Bruce's day got a bit tougher as back at the ramp he got out f the boat and stepped into a big pile of doggie do-do. Coincidence? Maybe... or maybe you shouldn't mess around with bananas when fishing!


The Quadfather
4/21/2019 1:46:57 PM
Ha! I enjoyed reading that one. (-:
Fish Dawg
4/21/2019 2:06:17 PM
The trick is to save the banana for after you e caught your limit...victory ?? for the WIN!??
Mike Carey
4/21/2019 3:54:24 PM
I'll tell you what, the doggie do-do was the "icing on the cake"! Bruce is a good sport about it, pretty funny stuff.
4/24/2019 5:38:41 AM
ahh GameFishin.com I remember when that was the only online local website/forum......It kind of took a dump when it switched hosts and this one was started up!!!! It's fun to log into gamefishin.com and look at all my old posts... hahahahaha
Dr Hook
5/2/2019 7:07:35 PM
My finger is finally healed! LOL I had a great time even with the mishaps and dog poo. I do think I will leave the bananas home next time. Thanks for the invite, it was good to see you again and spend some time on the water!

Mike Carey
5/2/2019 7:13:31 PM
likewise Bruce. Watch for this month's newsletter, I wrote an article about our little adventure. :-)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709