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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



61° - 65°
Cutthroat Trout
Mostly Sunny
51° - 55°

I finally got the skunk off the boat at Lake Sammamish tonight. It's been really slow lately, and I was expecting more of the same tonight. I fished my normal haunts with my usual gear and techniques. Not surprisingly, I had no hits. I fished a 50/50 blue & chrome God's Tooth spoon and a green spinner. Both were tipped with crawlers.

After about 90 minutes, I decided to troll my way back to the boat launch. On the way, I made a couple of changes. I set the downrigger at 25', which is shallower than the depths I've previously used successfully. The wind was blowing out of the north, so I let the kicker idle and let the wind provide the boat speed. I was averaging about 1.6mph. Trolling downwind was a lot easier than trying to maintain a heading while moving upwind, so I only trolled on the downwind legs.

I got a solid hit, and it took me a second to fully grasp that. Let's see... tell me again what it means when the rod tip wags up and down like that? Oh, yeah... Fish on! I landed a nice 18" rainbow. After getting a couple of light hits without connecting, I motored back up to the upwind side of the area and made another pass. This strategy paid off, as I eventually tallied fish at 18", 12" (released), and two at 16". All were rainbows.

Things started off a little slowly, but ended nicely. The lesson I took away from this is that I need to be more willing to mix things up and try things that may have previously proved unproductive. Tonight, it was all about being shallower and faster than I normally troll.


4/25/2019 7:19:55 AM
Really nice fish and great way to end the day! Thanks for your report and giving the God's Tooth some action :-)
4/25/2019 7:23:10 AM
I wish I could say any of the fish were landed on the GT spoon. I must be fishing them incorrectly -- people seem to have great results, but I still have minimal success. All four of last night's fish were on the Reli spinner.
4/25/2019 6:52:47 PM
Can you send me a photo of how you rig them or describe how it is rigged? I am sure I can get it resolved for you if you are interested. My email is russ@elginfishing.com or if you want to text me a photo...425-346-8683.
4/25/2019 8:17:21 PM
I went out tonight with the intent of fishing the Reli and the GT head-to-head. I even went so far as to buy a new GT in the same color as the Reli to keep things as comparable as possible. I started with the GT about 14" behind a Rocky Mountain dodger, and the Reli about the same distance behind an old school 5-bladed cowbell. The GT is connected using a small duo-snap to facilitate rapid changes. I've always fished them in the factory config rather than the slower action config. (HATE moving split rings... :) )

I hooked and lost one fish on the Reli and had one other hit. No hits on the GT.

Then I switched the GT to the cowbell, and the Reli to the dodger. Hooked and lost one fish almost immediately, so rather than swapping rigs again (to achieve more or less equal time), I kept the GT on the cowbell. I eventually landed my only fish of the day in that configuration. No hits on the Reli behind the dodger.

At this point, then, I'm more inclined to think that the additional attraction of the cowbell had more to do with the hits than either of the lures did.

I haven't tried fishing either lure by themselves.
4/26/2019 6:34:16 AM
Thanks for the info! So, fishing Sammamish, I typically run the God's Tooth kokanee style (Double hook setup) with a 12 to 14" leader to the dodger. This allows you to tip with a worm if you want but I don't. You can certainly run it like you did but I use a 36 to 48" leader to allow the spoon to act on its own. Also running the spoon without a dodger works great too! Lastly, when switching the hook to other end, you just remove the hook and reattach to the opposite split ring, no need to remove the split ring :-)....Switching the action from fast action to slow action can make a huge impact and is one of the main characteristics of the spoon's versatility. Really hope this helps!
4/26/2019 10:56:31 PM
Okay, I should have said "messing with split rings" or "moving hooks". My bad. I know you don't have to move the ring to move the hook. ;-) I surprised by the recommendation about the leader length. Most guides talk about keeping leaders short so the dodger imparts additional action to the lure. But I'll certainly give it a try. I'll also try using the spoon alone a spin. I'm headed out to Langlois for the opener tomorrow, and will likely post a report about that.

Ben Eggertsen
4/25/2019 8:34:48 AM
Fun and informative report! Nice fish.
4/25/2019 12:10:53 PM
Very nice! Congrats and way to stick with it.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709