5/28/2019 8:55:07 PM
5/28/2019 9:29:51 PMIt's pretty clear that this opening has nothing to do with there being more fish in this run - it is pure politics, and not good ones at that. The Skagit salmon season will suck for the third year in a row, as it looks like it won't even have an early humpy opening at all - neither will the Nooksack or the Snohomish. And hopefully we get to take home a few sockeye this year - I got blanked last year.

5/30/2019 1:54:48 PMWas looking forward to the hatchery escapement report also today but it is the same data from last week. For the Marblemount hatchery is still shows 100 fish as of 5/22.

5/30/2019 2:22:57 PM
6/3/2019 7:48:07 AM
6/15/2019 3:38:40 PM