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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Devereaux Lake Report
Mason County, WA



66° - 70°
Trolling W/Downriggers
66° - 70°

Back out fishing on my day off. Helped a friend do a demo paddle on the Wavewalk Kayak so didn't start fishing until 10ish. My mission is to try and get a limit of kokanee prior to catching 5 trout. It is still out there as a goal. Just too many trout to make it happen. I tried fishing deep (30 feet) most of the day to try and avoid the trout. Problem was the kokanee were up around 25 feet with the trout. When ever I would raise the down rigger I would get trout. Ultimately I took the limit of trout and only took 3 kokanee. Our church has a "family fishing day" out there this next Sunday (Fish Washington Free Weekend) and I am sure all the kids (and anyone else who wants to fish) will get some great trout action. I will keep trying through the season to see if I can ever get a limit of kokanee before striking out on the trout. NTO Scent spinners in white (seahawk beads), pink (pink and black beads) and black (orange beads) all got fish as I tried to find the magic combo meal. Shoepeg corn and ProCure bloody tuna and garlic was the bait.



6/6/2019 4:54:54 PM
So is the 10 kokanee limit in addition to the 5 trout limit in Devereaux? If so, where does that list that? Thx
6/6/2019 5:17:33 PM
I am not a lawyer so this is not legal advice. This is true only of lakes that fall under the state regulations. Places like American have special rules where Kokanee are included with the trout limit. Know the regs for your lake.

Page 15 of the fishing regulation pamphlet says of Kokanee:
KOKANEE: No min. size. Daily limit 10.

Of trout it says:
TROUT: The combined daily limit for an angler that fishes in both rivers and lakes on the same day is 5 TROUT, no more than 2 may be from rivers.
EASTERN BROOK TROUT do not count towards TROUT daily limit unless as otherwise listed.
When fishing with bait, all TROUT equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit whether kept or released.

Specifically of Devereaux -Statewide min. size/daily limit.
6/6/2019 6:40:48 PM
Thx Widgeonmangh, I read that in the regs, and I find it clear as mud. It doesn’t say specifically whether or not the 10 kokanee are in addition to 5 trout. If thats the case, thats quite liberal.
6/7/2019 7:49:33 AM
You probably have an easy way to clean the “old” Pro-Cure from the NTO Scent Spinners so they are ready for the next trip. How do you do it?
6/7/2019 7:58:30 AM
Warm soapy water. This kind of plastic is sensitive to heat (fins will curl) so dishwasher would probably be a bad idea. I use the sprayer and soapy water and it gets it done. :)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709