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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



71° - 75°
Trolling W/Downriggers
Mostly Sunny
66° - 70°

Here we go again,

I had the luxury of taking the morning off of work today in return of a late night which is just fine for me. I’m happy I did because it was an absolutely beautiful morning on the water.

I also had the honor to meet member Ben Ergesteen (I’m sure I spelled the last name wrong.) We chatted for a little and exchanged info on fishing kokes on Lake Wa. It was a pleasure meeting you out there sir! Hope you found some willing fish.

As for the fishing, it was a pretty solid morning. The kokes are definitely on the move. I say that because I didn’t mark a single fish in the Juanita Bay Area. Learning my lesson years ago on this lake, I pulled out of there instantly and found a new spot. I ended up settling for the Moss Bay Area and happy I did. I banged out 4 kokes within an hour. Lost a few more but the time was clicking down and I needed to start my troll back to the launch. I tried sneaking that last koke in but it just didn’t happen. Instead, I was blessed with a nice Cutthroat trout as I was pulling my line off the DR clip. I’m okay with finishing my limit with that.

I’ve had a lot of people message me about how to fish this lake. Honestly, this is my first year even targeting them in Lake Wa. I literally have just taken the basics that I’ve learned over the years and apply them to fish that show up on the FF. I’m still learning, and the only way to do so is to get out there and try. Tight lines all!!

Gear Used: Dick Nite Dodger (moon jelly)

Lure: Pink hoochie w/UV smile blade

Scent: Krill Anise

Bait: tuna scented garlic corn

Depth: 25-35ft in 75-80 FOW

Speed: 1.5mph


Ben Eggertsen
6/26/2019 9:55:07 AM
Hey Dj, it was a real pleasure meeting you yesterday! After our conversation I hooked into a couple but lost them at the boat. I had some other commitments so I had to call it a day.

You clearly have a handle on Lake Washington fishing. It's such a big lake the fish have a lot of room to roam. If you don't see your target fish in one area then move on right away.

I thoroughly enjoyed exploring Juanita Bay for the first time. I saw a lot of small marks on the fish finder but they did not look like koks. Following your advice, I found kokanee near Moss Bay. My approach next time on Lake Washington for koks will be to 'find the fish and then fish.'

As an addicted kokanee fisherman who has had a fair amount of success, I must say you have picked up kokanee fishing remarkably fast and successfully! It's really cool that you're catching quality kokanee out of Lake Washington. I really appreciate and enjoy all your reports.

Tight lines,


6/26/2019 12:23:07 PM
Nice report. Thank you.
6/26/2019 1:37:44 PM
Great report!! Appreciate all the info at the end as I am new to lake Washington and kokanee and struggling quite a bit.(odd fish here and there, but no real success. Have fished the smile hoochie set up to no avail. What leader length you use ? I think that may be my problem
6/26/2019 1:37:45 PM
6/26/2019 1:40:54 PM
Ever had success with laketroll/fender set up? My buddy swears by it on lake stevens...
6/28/2019 8:53:49 AM
Lake trolls, ford fenders etc. used to be the "go to" set up for kokanee and trout. A newer style attractor with side to side action ,like a good tear dodger usually will out produce any gang troll...but..... there are still many die hard gang troll fisherman. From time to time they can be exactly what the fish want, and I always keep them in my tackle box as something to try when the dodgers aren't producing. I personally run a small gang troll off of my downrigger ball for added attraction, and then a dodger on my main line.
6/26/2019 1:40:55 PM
6/30/2019 6:49:53 AM
Thnx for info.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709