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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



96° - 100°
Rainbow Trout
71° - 75°

Not fair to rate a 3 because we only fished a short time, but did manage 3 to the boat and one coming unbuttoned before making it to net range.

The day's mission was to get my 4yr old granddaughter hooked up for her first fish and that mission was a 5 all around. We launched about 10am and temps were already climbing close to 90°. Motored downstream to one of my favorite spots and set downriggers at 55' and 60', also ran a leadcore rig back 160'. Ran Apex's off the downriggers and a pink Kekada off the leadcore and kept trolling speed at about 1.7 - 1.8mph.

First fish in the boat was a little smallmouth but it could have been a 5 pounder with how happy my granddaughter was. She wanted nothing to do with holding it for a picture and agreed to stand next to me while I held it. :-)

We trolled some more and I located school of rainbow at 30' - 35' so brought the riggers up to 28' and 30'. We hooked up as we went through the area, but it came unbuttoned before getting into net range. No problem, reset, trolled back through the school again and a solid hookup. Granddaughter reeled it right to the boat and I scooped a nice 2lb, 3oz clipped 'bow.

We fished a little longer after that, but it was now 100° so we headed for a sandy beach for some play time in the water.

Great day for all!


8/19/2019 6:52:53 AM
Great report Hewes! I love seeing these young ones learning to enjoy the fantastic opportunities we have in our area. I recently took a father and his 24 year old daughter out for a successful day on the water. She shared several awesome memories of outings that her dad took her on when she was a youngster that hooked her on fishing. The most interesting part though was that she didn’t necessarily recall how many fish they caught but the time she spent on the water with her dad and uncle.
8/19/2019 6:53:01 AM
Big smiles! I love it. Thanks for sharing.
8/19/2019 7:26:49 AM
Wasn't the nicest day in terms of temperature, in fact, it was plain HOT, but got it done nonetheless. She sure didn't seem to be bothered by the temperature. Her 2mo old sister (on board for her first boat ride), however, was not happy. I'm hoping by the time she's old enough to go after her first fish, her sister will show her how it's done. Made my day in many ways. :-D
8/19/2019 10:29:24 AM
Great report, that's what it is all about.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709