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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Puyallup River Report
Pierce County, WA



71° - 75°
Drift Fishing
Corky & Yarn

I was out this morning on the Puyallup River with my buddy Austin and we were pretty determined that we would catch a few salmon. Well that's what we thought at the time. We started out pretty far down the river and the audience was huge. We saw many salmon rolling and many being caught. There were at least 5 nice kings caught in front of us and another 10 or so pinks within an hour. We moved up the river and waited out the rain and then we fished a nice spot below the Main Street bridge that was kinda Snaggy. Between the two of us, we didn't land a single fish today, but I just might do it tomorrow.


PS: I believe the pictures speak for themselves. If you come out to the game - Be prepared to fish!


8/23/2019 7:43:11 PM
Nice fish can anyone help what is limit on pinks on the Puyallup?
8/26/2019 10:22:53 PM
Weasell, there is no specific limit for pinks as they are part of your adult limit. The limit for salmon on the Puyallup is 6 fish, of which no more than 2 may be adults. You must release Chum and Wild Chinook. An adult for Chinook is 24" or more, and an adult for Coho is 20" or more. All other Pacific salmon (Pinks, Chum, Sockeye) are adults at 12", which is the minimum retention size on the river. Hope that helps!
8/25/2019 11:10:26 AM
Move downstream from that spot closer to the mouth of the White, fish seem to hold more down there. I feel like most fish just pass through that area closer to the bridge.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709