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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 5 Sekiu and Pillar Point Report



Coho Salmon

We pulled the boat over to Olson's Resort in Sekiu and fished last Wednesday (9/11) and Thursday (9/12) for the coho. The lure that was, hands down, most effective was the 2.8" OG2 in fluoro-green/fluoro-orange. We fished this behind an 11" flasher to which we'd added a Pro Troll Strike Lite. (And, we set the light to the first mode--rapid flash.) The 2nd most effective lure, that we didn't try until day 2, was the 5" OG2 in fluoro-green chartreuse. We fished this behind a 10" Big Al's Fish Flash. And, we added a Pro Troll lite to this as well.

Wednesday summary: We were fishing between 400 and 500 feet of water. Putting the lures 35 feet behind the boat before we clipped into the downrigger. Trolling fast--with better than 45 degrees of angle in the cable. We started around 30 feet. But, marked fish in the 15 foot range. As soon as we brought the ball up to 15 feet, we were hooked up. And, in under 2 hours, we had our limits of 4 fish.

Thursday summary: Far slower than Wednesday. We heard reports on channel 68 that fish had been caught around 70 feet. So, started there. Same depth (400-500 feet of water) and same speed (keeping the cable at a minimum of 45 degrees). Nada. Nothing. Began experimenting with different colors and sizes of lures. Again: Nada. Nothing. Went back to the 2.8" OG2 in fluoro-green/fluoro-orange. And, moved into the shallow water (15 feet). Bingo! On the other rod, I tried a new rigging with the 5" OG2. Instead of threading the line through the bottom of the lure, I threaded it out through the top. This rigging, and lure, produced our two biggest fish for the day. Weather was a little dicey. (We only saw one other boat out there when we caught our final 4th fish for our 2-person limit).

All-in-all, it was a great outing! Thoroughly enjoyed those two days and the cabin and moorage provided by Olsons!

Below is a quick video of the trip:


9/15/2019 1:42:46 PM
What was size of larger fish? Based on flasher size they were 6lbs?
9/15/2019 4:08:31 PM
We didn't weigh them; so, I'm not sure.
9/16/2019 5:02:46 PM
we were there the 8th through the 13th, what cabin were you staying in
9/19/2019 11:26:38 AM
We were staying in 174--towards the south end of town.
9/15/2019 5:25:05 PM
I was there also on 9-11-19 thru 9-15-19. We pulled in 35 fish for 4 people in 5 days. We were doing really good at 30-45 feet otw in 600 fow and 80 to 100 feet otw in 600 fow. The best was a white 3.5 inch hoochie with SUV and a glow strip in it. But bucktails also did good and we had one day wear a Brad's cut plug behind a small diver did extremely well. It was pretty much lights out tho for anything you put in the water. Was hard to not catch them. We stayed at olsons but will be the last time. The docks there are garbage with zero maintenance in the past 20 years to the point wear they are almost dangerous and will beat up the boat, and the parking lot and ramp are is nothing but a mud pit. Will stay at van ripers next year. Very nice wide and strait docks with gravel areas so there is no mud.
9/16/2019 5:05:48 PM
heard they are or did sell the boat launch to the state and the state will be taking over
9/17/2019 2:17:33 PM
I hope that is true. It will be half way decent if that is the case. Because rite now it is a shithole.
9/19/2019 11:31:35 AM
What size daownrigger ball you using? That 45 degree on the wire all depends on the ball weight too. I have both 12 and 15 pounds on my boat.
9/19/2019 11:56:46 AM
We had 12-pound balls on both of our downriggers.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709