10/8/2019 9:27:41 AM
10/8/2019 3:51:03 PMhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/840916832972340/
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
As we are still learning more about fishing for kokanee, my 2 oldest sons and I headed out to the lake to see what we could do.
Starting at 7:30 am, we fished for about 4 1/2 hours with good, beginner success. Our count for the day was: landed 5 in the net, kept 3, released 2 and lost 3 off the hook close to the boat.
Using the same set up as last weekend, we fished with a Dick Nite clown dodger followed by an orange Elgin God's tooth rigged with an 8mm glow bead and pink Pautzke Fire Corn.
Fishing between 45' and 55', we started getting strikes right away and they stayed pretty consistent throughout the morning. Still trying to figure out the Scotty laketrollers, rods and reels a bit, I'm sure we lost some to our operator errors. Nevertheless, we had a great time fishing and the weather was gorgeous.
It was also very nice to see fellow NWFR members out there. I can't think of a more helpful group of people to share this hobby with.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service