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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon

Hit the river at sunrise this morning. It was very cold and I didn't see any fish rolling or jumping. The fishing was slow until the mist dissipated. Once it did the bite was pretty consistent. Hooked some and lost a bunch in the couple hours I was there. Landed a decent 24" buck to finish off my limit.


10/9/2019 6:07:14 PM
Great report! These cold clear mornings it seems the bite improves a bit just after the sun hits the water and it starts to warm up...The fish seem to get a little more active then and more willing to bit...at least that's been my limited observation. Free drifting eggs again?
10/9/2019 6:50:51 PM
Yes, freedrifting eggs.
10/9/2019 8:36:40 PM
Good observation happy hooker97
10/11/2019 11:04:32 AM
Thank you for the report! It's very motivating! I'm new to salmon fishing and don't want to look ignorant but... how do you free drift eggs? I would appreciate if you can give me just a hint.
I tried fishing this morning with salmon eggs and bobber and didn't see any activity at all. I was in Tukwia close to I-405 bridge. I was fishing from 7:30am until 9am. Had to go to work. :(
Thank you in advance!
10/11/2019 2:30:20 PM
Freedrifting is just drifting eggs without any additional weight. It's easier to do with a long light spinning rod and light line. I personally use a 9' 6" Light rod rated 4-8lbs with 6lb mainline.
10/11/2019 2:45:50 PM
Thanks for a quick response. So you don't really know if they are on the bottom or close to the surface without weight attached? How do you keep salmon eggs on the hook with this type of fishing?
10/11/2019 8:28:24 PM
I just cast a little further upstream to give my eggs a chance to sink a little more. To keep the eggs on you need to use an egg loop knot when you tie your hook.
10/9/2019 6:40:02 PM
Nice fish man I've been fishing green river lately late in day with no luck. Where do you fish at middle green or down by 18 st bridge I caught a decent silver there last week but no luck this week ?
10/9/2019 6:52:24 PM
Down river near the Kent/Tukwilla border area.
10/9/2019 7:08:10 PM
Thanks man good looking out .. must of been cold in morning but worth it right !
10/9/2019 6:40:03 PM
10/9/2019 6:40:04 PM
10/10/2019 3:51:30 PM
Nice work! Are a few of those jacks? Not trying to be a hater but the adult coho limit on the green is 3.
10/10/2019 8:39:00 PM
Yes, the bottom three were jacks.
10/12/2019 11:51:15 AM
Hey losaturn, I have some eggs, where would you suggest I could go on the green for silvers? I've never fished it. Either free drift eggs or weight drift. Cheers! Great reports btw
10/12/2019 12:53:00 PM
There's a nice sandy beach behind the Ramada Inn off of Interurban that's a good place to try. Upstream from that there's another spot right below the walking bridge by 7-11. Then there is always the 112th st hole.
10/12/2019 1:13:35 PM
Thanks man, just came back from the Puke, nothing happening there, may go to the green this afternoon
10/12/2019 1:14:10 PM
Are these area's bank fishing?
10/12/2019 2:42:42 PM
These holes are best fished on an outgoing or low incoming tide.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709