2/28/2020 10:10:05 PM
Mr. Golfball
3/2/2020 7:34:18 AMI've seen your posts here on a number of occasions. Beings how we are both up here in the north, I'll be watching for ya at Cavanaugh. I had to give up golf few years ago because of a bad back. Then got back into fishing because it was something my father(he's gone now) and I loved doing together. And I don't have a wife to tell me I can't!!! I really appreciate your posts cuz I've learned quite a bit on how to fish up here. Now you couldn't peel me away from Cavanaugh! Look for me in the maroon Maxum. Keep them lines tight Jeff

3/12/2020 8:57:45 AMI/we may fish Cavanaugh Sunday and if the weather holds going back out to the banks on Monday.