Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Fish Lake is a sad story. Rehabbed 2 years ago, we expected to go out and catch some good sized brook and tiger trout fly fishing. The only fish of size we caught were the brood stock brookies stocked last fall. Tiger trout were numerous but small, none over 12 inches. Sorry to say the lake is already infested with yellow perch. We caught probably 100 of of them. Two distinct year classes, 6 inch and 3 inch fish. also saw a large school of small bullhead catfish at the boat launching area. Sorry to see it can no longer be a good trout lake, I have caught some large Tiger trout out of it in the past. Maybe WDFW can manage it as a warm water species lake in the future, some bass or tiger muskies may help to control the perch and other sunfish that overtake this lake.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service