6/16/2020 7:35:57 AMThis is the first time I realized there is sound to your videos...! The flashers really emit a constant noise for the fish to hone in on. Very cool.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
My son and I got to the lake about 8am and it was after 8:30 before I got into the water. I was all thumbs this morning. Full pool is 1207 and today it was 1205. It was the highest I have ever seen it. The water temperature was 59 degrees. It was cloudy and there was a constant wind until about noon. Part of the time the cable on the downrigger actually whistled because of the wind. We left at 12:30. There were logs and branches to look out for and the algae was worse, so visibility was down.
Of the 4 kokanee I caught 3 had clipped adipose fins. Which means they were planted in the fall. I didn’t catch my first fish, which was a trout, until 9:30am. I had put on my Patriot that my son had taken off his line. My son’s first was at 10:30am. While he only got 1 in the boat, he had several on. For about an hour the bites were pretty good. 10:30am-11:30am. All my fish were caught between 10 and 20 feet since I stack my lines. Most coming at 10 foot. My son was at 7 foot. I put the cruise control to 1.3mph.
The new fish finder was awesome. I now realize I did not take any pictures of it working.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service