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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 7 San Juan Islands Report


Trolling W/Downriggers
Chinook Salmon

Hello northwest fishing reports! I'm posting my first report today in the hope to connect and share fishing reports with my fellow Fishers. We launched out of Port Towsend on the 4th and ran up to Coronet bay to drop crab pots before heading up to Cypress Island to fish kings. Honestly, it was our first time fishing that area, and we were just looking for a new spot to fish outside of the "no fishing" Killer Whale zone. Due to dropping off the crab pots we didn't start fishing until about 9:30am when we found an area with trollers and lots of fish on the sonar(Just on the south west tip of Cypress Island). I couldn't believe the amount of fish and bait on the sonar, but I had a feeling they couldn't all be salmon. After a short time we had hooked dog fish on 2 out of 3 rods, and I was not too happy about that. As I dropped the 2nd rod back down the only rod working behind the boat started to go down and I had fears of a 3rd dog fish. Luckily I realized when line started dumping out of the reel we had our first King on. After a few minutes we put a 15lb King in the net and shortly thereafter released the "Wild" King back to the depths. This turned out to be the only fish of the morning, but first our first time fishing area 7 we were pretty happy about it. The rest of the morning we missed a few take downs and released about 10 dog fish. We saw multiple Kings caught and would have probably done a lot better had we been there at 6am. Until next time! Happy 4th!


7/6/2020 12:25:56 PM
Thanks for the report! Lots of people get skunked out there and you’re eating crab and salmon. That’s a great day in my book!
7/7/2020 1:50:03 PM
Up the west side of Cypress has a few spots that usually hold fish as well from Strawberry up Eagle Cliff. I was marking lots of bait and fish in the area, but could not find a willing taker. Also saw a few surfacing salmon around strawberry island, probably coho.
How was the crabbing?
Spencer Ewing
7/7/2020 10:12:59 PM
We saw a ton of fish on the sonar as well, so I was surprised we did not have any other hookups. I have to say the crabbing did not go great for us, but we're still learning. We dropped our pots in Coronet bay in the morning with about 6lbs of lead in each pot, but when we came back 1 pot was gone, and the other had 1 red rock crab. Either the current was too strong as it's near deception pass or someone picked our pots. Do you have any tips on setting pots in that area? How much weight, line, etc? Thanks
7/10/2020 1:02:04 PM
I have not yet set any in that area, but seemed like most were right out in the harbor. Probably want at least 10 pounds or a little more, and about 40-50% more line than the depth.
7/9/2020 9:33:07 PM
Keep posting and thanks for the report.
Is the really tall cliff hikers go up to on the west end of Cypress the one you call Eagle Cliff?
7/10/2020 1:02:56 PM
Yes that is Eagle cliff, the second bay north of Tide Point with the red marker.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709